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As EJ oppened her eyes on that bright, summer morning, she wondered why she even bothered to wake up. Feeling lazy, she pulled her sheet further over her head. EJ didn't have to be in school and it was the early summer time. Why couldn't she sleep in? As she started to drift off to sleep again, EJ began to hear low whispers.

"We should let her sleep," one voice said, it belonged to EJ's sister, Khristina.

"But we've been waiting for this chance forever," said, Lisette, another sister.

"And she'll be super mad at us if we didn't tell her," Jessenia added.

"Tell me what?" EJ asked, pushing the blanket away.

She looked at her three sisters, making them all grin with excitement. EJ's younger sisters were the kind of girls who would get excited about almost everything. This got on EJ's nerves, sometimes.

"Guess who is coming to Puerto Rico," said Khristina in her Spanish accent. "On your special day."

"Jonas Brothers," EJ said, yawning as she sat up. "The Beib?"

"Nope," said Jessenia, grinning unbareably.

"Who?" EJ asked, yawning again.

Her sisters exchanged a look with each other as they squeaked with delight.

"One Direction!" they said together.

EJ moaned and threw her head back in her pillow. "And Dad said you guys can go?" she asked, looking back at her sisters. "On my....?"

"EJ," Lisette complained, "We've been wanting to go to a One Direction concert forever! Dad said we could go if you took us. We've been waiting a long time for this."

"How long have you three known they would be here?"

Khristina winced "A month," she replied apologetically.

EJ sighed "You three know that I'm not really into One Direction," she said. "Even if I've never actually listened to them. And you know that I've been planning my birthday weekend for weeks now. Stella is coming from Tampa to stay."

"We know," Jessenia said, "but we've already paid for the tickets."

EJ got out of bed and went out to the kitchen. Her mom was making breakfast and her dad was at the table reading the paper.

"Papí," she said, "do I have to go with them?"

"Sweety," he replied, taking a sip of coffee. "It's one night."

"My birthday?"

"EJ, I only told them yes because then they might get over this obsession. Last year they tried to get me to pay for a trip to the UK for a concert."

"Ok, yeah, that is a bit extreme."

EJ groaned and sat at the table. She knew her dad had a point. Khristina, Jessenia, and Lisette had gone over the deep end with their love for the popular boy band. EJ didn't know what the big deal was about, considering she never saw or heard their music.

"But what about my birthday plans?" EJ asked, pouting her bottom lip. "Stella's coming!"

"I did think of that," was the reply. "So I bought five concert tickets."

"Great, but I don't want to go, even if they are good seats."

EJ's mother placed plate of hot pancakes in front of her. "Honey, this would be the last time," she said softly. "You'll leave for college this fall and won't be doing it anymore."

But what if I don't want to go to college? EJ asked herself, looking at the stack of pancakes. Everytime her sisters wanted to do or go somewhere, she was the one who had to take them or go with them. EJ was the only Ramos girl with a car.

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