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"What would you peeps like for lunch?" EJ aske, it was non when they walked into the town square. "There's Subway, Taco Maker, Pizza Hut, and Él Mesón."

"Pizza," Louis said, taking off the sunglasses.

"Isn't your nose sweating underneath that plastic nose?" Stella asked with a laugh.

"It is," he replied in a funny voice. "But they're after us. We can't take any chances."

Everyone laughed as they started walking towards the Pizza Hut. There was a small line in the restaurante.

"So," EJ said, looking at the crust sizes menu. "There's ten of us. Two large stuffed crusts? Cheese, peppers, mushrooms and black olives?"

"Harry doesn't like olives," Louis said, pretending to cough.

"How can anyone not like olives?" Jessenia asked in shock. "They're the best part in any meanl!"

"How can YOU not like tomatoes?" EJ shot back. "How can Lisette dislike fish? Or Khristina sofrito? Me and bananas? Everyone has their likes and dislikes." She went to the counter to order. "Two large, stuffed crusts, with cheese, peppers, mushrooms and black olives. And two small, individual pizzas, with just cheese and mushrooms."

"What will you be having for drinks?" the waiter asked, tapping at the computer screen.

"Sprite and Pepsi. And we'll need a table for ten, please."

The waiter nodded and called to the seating hostess.

"That will be $28. 69," he said. "And the only table left is a rounded booth."

EJ nodded and started to take out her wallet.

"I got it," Harry said, handing some bills to the waiter.

She was about to protest, but then she realized why he was doing it. He was thanking her for sticking up for about the olives.

"Right this way," the seating hostess said, motioning for them to follow.

EJ and Harry stayed at the back of the group.

"Thank you," he whispered.

"You're welcome," she whispered back.

"Ella," Louis said as he studied the table. "You will sit at the end here, across from Harry. Zayn and Lisette will be in the center of the bench."

"You're the leader, aren't you?" EJ asked, pulling out her phone.

"You haven't seen anything yet," Liam said as he and Jessenia scooted in next to Zayn and Lisette.

"This is his 'good behior'," Niall added, sliding in next to Khristina. "In a manner os speaking."

"Hmm," EJ turned to the seating hostess. "Would you mind taking a picture of us?"

"Not at all," was the reply.

EJ handed her camera to her and sat across from Harry.

"OK," said the hostess, "one, two, three!"

The light flashed three times, and she handed the camera back to EJ.

"Let me see," Jessenia said.

"Why?" EJ asked, holding the camera away from her. "So that you can critique it, delete it? No, you can see it after I print it later at CVS."

She put the camera in her bag and rested her chin on her hand, the one that wore the bracelet Harry had given her. Harry mimicked her action.

"What's that?" Stella aske, taking EJ's wrist.

GOTTA BE YOU (HARRY STYLES)Where stories live. Discover now