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A year and a half later.....

There was a week left before Thanksgiving. EJ was in her second year of music college, she was studying theory and sound engineering. Khristina was in Julliard studying piano. Jessenia and Lisette were both in singing schools. Everyone was gathering together for the weekend before Thanksgiving break.

"Has anyone seen my butterfly bracelet?" EJ called as she ran-sacked her room in search for it.

"It was on your dresser top," Khristina replied as she entered.

EJ stood and sighed in relief. "It's here," she said, snapping it around her wrist. "Next time I'm going to take it in the bathroom with me. I just didn't want it to get wet in the shower."

"Have you tweeted him lately?"

EJ shook her head and sat on her bed.

"Cheer up," Khristina said, sitting beside her. "I'm sure you'll get a tweet soon."

EJ smiled, her sisters still didn't know that she had the boys numbers. Zayn and Liam would text her a smiley, Niall would send her a song to learn on guitar. Louis was the one always sending her jokes and phone games to play. And Harry would call her and Skype her everyday. He would wake up in the middle of the night to talk to her before she went to bed.

"And to think you didn't want to go that night," Khristina went on jokingly. "But at least you aren't absessed like me, Jessenia and Lisette were."

"Yeah," EJ said, "that was bad."

She looked at her picture collage on the wall next to her bed. EJ had hung all of her pictures, with One Direction, on the wall. She also had smaller copies in her wallet. EJ's phone began to ring, she stood and picked it up from her desk. It was an unknown number.

"Hello," she said slowly. "Who am I speaking with?"

"Yes," came a woman's voice with a semi-British accent. "This is Miranda Clark, I'm looking for an EJ Ramós."

"This is she," EJ replied, writing Miranda's name on a notepad. "Can I help you?"

"I am a neighbor of yours," Miranda explained. "I live a few houses down from yours. You mother gave me your number. I'm looking for someone to accompany me to the United Kingdom to my mother's home, for the winter holidays. I have to help her move out, but I don't want to leave her house unattended."

"And you would like to know if I can watch the house until things are settled?"

"Exactly. I've spoken with your parents, they said it would be entirely your choice. I would have called sooner, but I've occupied with arrangements."

EJ thought about it. She was looking at the posibility of bumping into Harry. But she knew that it was unlikely. One, being that Miranda's mother's house could be anywhere in the UK. Two, Harry and the other boys were probably busy touring and stuff. Another thing EJ saw was a chance to explore.

"Miranda," she said, "I would be honored to help you out."

"How wonderful!" Miranda exclaimed. "OK, we leave on the first Monday after Thanksgiving. ANd once Mum is settled, we return next year on February seventeenth."

"Great! Thanks for calling, Miranda. Take care!"

EJ hung up with full confidence. Maybe she would find out what she wanted in life.

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