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EJ smiled, she knew she was blushing no doubt.

"You're a wonderful person Harry," she said, kissing his dimple.

His smile grew wider.

"How long do you think it will take Louis to find us?" she asked, letting Harry hold her hand in his.

"Not long," he replied.

At that very second Harry's phone buzzed. He showed EJ the screen. Louis was calling.

"Hello," she answered, speaking with an accent. "Who is this?"

"Where are you two?" Louis asked with a sort of smug tone.

"Some place dark," she replied, turning off the overhead light.

"Ella, put me on speaker."

She did and held the phone in between her and Harry.

"Are you both in the same place?"

"If that were not the case you wouldn't be on speaker," Harry said as they sat on the floor.

"How dark is this place?" Louis was passing by the closet door.

"Dark enough," EJ said in a low voice.

They heard footsteps walk down the hall, away from the closet. For a brief moment nothing happened.

"Gotcha!" Louis shouted as he flung the closet door wide open.

EJ squeaked, Harry jumped with surprise.

"What were you two doing in here?" Louis asked, looking at EJ then at Harry.

Harry stood and helped EJ to her feet.

"It's alright if you two were making out."

Harry slapped Louis' shoulder in reflex. Louis flinched, but he was grinning.

"I brought my guitar," EJ said, changing the subject. "How about we go downstairs and jam? Like that last time."

"Alright!" Louis raised an eyebrow and looked at her bracelet. "I've seen that brand before. Where di you get it?"

"I-I've had it," she replied, uncertain whether she should tell him about it.

"It's got the same brand logo as Harry's." He grabbed Harry's wrist. "He's always flipping out when he thinks that he's lost it."

"Ella gave it to me," Harry said, pulling his arm away. "That day we all hung out. Purple is her favorite color."

He looked at EJ apologetically. She looked at the floor, trying to hide her blush. They hadn't verbally said anything about keeping their bracelets a secret.

"Please don't let something stupid ruin the awesome friendship you two have," EJ said, looking back up. "You're best friends."

Harry and Louis smiled and grabbed her into a hug. Clearly they weren't mad at each other.

"I still think that you two would make a lovely couple," Louis said, bolting down the stairs.

"I'll get my guitar," EJ said, turning back into the closet.

Harry stopped her and stepped closer. He seemed to be asking her with his eyes as he cupped EJ's face in his hands. EJ smiled tilted her head back as Harry leaned down. She closed her eyes as their lips touched. The kiss was short and sweet.

"Get your guitar," Harry said, kissing her again. "I'll wait downstairs with Louis."

She smiled and nodded before going up the hall to her room.

"I cannot believe that you fell for that," Louis was sayng as EJ joined him and Harry on the floor.

He showed Harry something on his phone briefly then snatched it away so that he wouldn't take it.

"Boobear," Harry said firmly, with irritation? "Delete it, now."

"What?" EJ asked as she tuned her guitar.

"Louis saw," Harry replied as he tried to grab the phone from Louis. "And he took a picture."

"Oh," she grinned, putting the guitar aside. "Did you now? I'll have to get you back for that."

She lunged at Louis, snagge his phone and bloted to the closet that was under the staircase. The picture made EJ smile. She sent it to her phone and deleted both the message and the picture. When she came out of the closet, Louis was standing there, beside Harry, with a waiting hand.

"Your phone," she said, handing it to him.

"Nicely done Ella," Harry said, slinging his arm around her shoulders. "Louis, what would you have done if she hadn't deleted that photo?"

"Nothing publically," Louis replied with a teasing tone. "I would kept it to myself......unless the others asked, than I would've let them in on the secret."

EJ smiled "Louis," she said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "If you did that, I would have to have revenge on you.....But if I ever had a brother, I would like for him to be like you."

He smiled bashfully. They headed back to the living room. There came a knock on the front door, EJ went to answer it.

"May I help you?" she asked slowly.

The tall, young woman was silent. She held a small bundle in her arms.

"Come in and warm up," EJ went on, stepping aside. "You must be freezing."

The woman shook her head an held the bundle to EJ. When she hesitated, the woman spoke.

"Please," she said in a low voice.

EJ was still hesitant, but she took the bundle. The woman nodded her thanks and ran off into the storm. EJ called after her, but she was already gone. She closed the door; she looked at the bundle as it gave small movement, making her curious. EJ undid the top of the blanket, revealing a small baby's face. She gasped an quickly went to the living room to be closer to the heater. The baby was sound asleep, EJ started to feel compassion for the now motherless one. There was a note tucked into the blank. She placed the bundle on the floor gentily, opened the letter and read it.

To whom it may concern

Please keep my little boy safe. He was born on November 1, at 10:25pm, one month old today. He has no name. I haven't the means to care for him myself and I fear that he will die if he stayed with me much longer. I will not come back for him. The boy's father has no knowledge of his birth. Please raise him as your own. I am able to give him up because I am not attached to the baby. There may have been a time when I felt that he meant everything to me, but due to matters of circumstances beyond my comprehension, my feelings were changed.

Thank you for you kindness and compassion. If we ever were to encounter one another again, I would be forever indebted to you.

Harry and Louis all the while hadn't said a word. They just watched with puzzlement, and curiousity. Harry only spoke when he noticed the tears filling EJ's eyes.

"Ella," he said, touching her trembling hand gentily.

EJ looked at him and hid her face in his chest. She had never known for things like this to happen in real life, only in movies and books. And how coul someone not give a baby a name?

The baby began to cry softly. EJ pulled away and looked at the little one. She stared at him when he opened his eyes and stared back. His dark eyes were full of curiousity and confusion, as if he knew that there was something different about his surroundings. A compelling feeling made EJ hand the letter to Harry as she picked the baby up. She held him to her shoulder, the way she had been shown when one of her cousins was born. It felt almost natural to her. She tightened her grip and kissed his forehead softly.

"I won't let anything happen to you," she whispered, "my little Daniel."

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