Leaving Red

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  A/N: This is a Green Lantern the Animated Series fanfic.

Disclaimer: I don't own anyone but Talon.

   Talon shuddered with excitement as she drove her mini-transport into the asteroid belt, looking for a relatively safe asteroid to “crash land” on. She was serving as the decoy to draw in the Green. She was thirteen years old that day, and this was the perfect birthday. She was excited that her father had finally deemed her ready to actually hunt and kill a Green with only one partner, but she was also nervous. She remembers the day nine years ago her planet, Zandrion, was destroyed and then her family and her friend Dreknon’s family, the only Zandrics to escape, were massacred.


   Four year old Keomara was playing in the dirt with Dreknon when they saw the strange ship with a weird symbol that looked like a green lantern. She turned to Dreknon and asked him what they should do, because he was a six year old. He told her to tell her daddy. She ran to him, saying “Daddy! Daddy! There’s a scary looking ship coming!” He scooped her up in his broad arms and called her twelve year old brother, Roum, to their side. Together with Dreknon’s parents and older sisters, Alana and Elson, we ran to the ship my father, a scientist, had created.

  As they flew away from the planet, they heard a boom. Looking back, they saw that their planet had been completely destroyed. Then, Keomara saw a ship flying after them. The ship drilled through the hull of their craft and men with the symbol they’d seen when Zandrion had been destroyed. She ran and hid in a supply closet as they invaded the ship. She heard the screams of the other survivors as they were killed. Then, the door opened and a man stood over her. She sobbed in terror, but the scary man disappeared. Standing where he had been was a large red man with a red symbol on his chest.

   “I am Atrocitus, leader of the Red Lantern Corps. I wish to adopt you so that one day you will be able to take revenge for your family and planet and one day destroy the evil Guardians and their servants the Green Lanterns.”

  Atrocitus nourished her hatred and anger and she soon became Talon.


   She snapped out of her reverie as an asteroid found her. “Darn it,” she thought as she struggled to gain control of the mini-transport. She glided to a halt or a large asteroid. “This is a distress call, I’ve crashed in an asteroid belt, I repeat, I’ve crashed and am in need of immediate assistance,” she called into her global comm. device.

   About half an hour later she saw a glowing green figure coming in from the distance. “Show time,” Talon said, grinning, as the Green came closer.

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