Part 2

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"If you dare touch him again I won't hesitate to kill you" I heard a voice say, I didn't recognise it and I'm guessing Yoongi never has either as his eyebrows furrowed and he looked behind him. When I did the same I could help but gasp, it was the man I saw looking at me through the window. He was so handsome up close, Yoongi's head snapped round to look at me again and his grip tightened on my wrists

"Do you know him? Is he your boyfriend?" His grip just got tighter and tighter, I could feel the pulse in my hand from the blood flow being prevented.

"I don't know him, Yoongi... you're hurting me" I said quietly, not wanting to seem weak in front of the handsome stranger. Yoongi's grip didn't loosen at all, if anything it just got tighter again "you're really hurting me please let go Yoongi" I said with a quiet sob.

"Let go of him" the man suddenly said making us both jump, when Yoongi didn't move he just walked up to him so their noses were almost touching. I could tell Yoongi was trying to hold on his fear, I don't blame him, I'd be scared in his position. The man wasn't scary or intimidating towards me but the way he looked at me was strange "I said let go of him you dick" he said before throwing a punch across Yoongi's face making him get knocked out. I crouched down onto the floor in tears and pain, my whole arm and face was stinging and throbbing. I felt the man stand me up and take my hand gently to guide me out the house, being sure to cover me with his hoodie first as I had no top on. He dried my face with the backs of his hands and I took the moment to memorise his face just in case.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked quietly, not being able to bring my voice louder

"Someone as precious as you shouldn't be with a dick like that, you deserve better"

"I could be a horrible person. How are you so sure?"

"I know you're not"

"Why were you looking at me through the window? How did you know I needed help?"

"These are all questions for another time, Tae is here"

"You know Tae?"I asked lifting my head up to look at him. He just shook his head with his eyebrows furrowed a little "god it's cold out here..." I whispered to myself. Before I could even process what was happening the man wrapped his arms around me and held me close to him, I was far too cold and in shock over the events of today to refuse some warmth and comfort though.

"No I don't know Tae, I know he's your best friend though"

"What? How do you know that? I can't see Tae anywhere, how do you know he's here?"

"These are all questions for another time, and Tae is Just round the corner" he comforted me and I felt my body start to shiver from cold and shock "put your head in my neck to keep warm, you're not in any danger now" I just nodded and tightened my arms around the strangers waist, burying my face in his neck.

Even though I don't know anything about this man I can't help but feel safe in his arms, he was slightly bigger than me so I fit perfectly into his chest. He smells strange though, it's not a bad smell, it's kind of sweet but also a little salty, I like it. Reminds me a bit of popcorn. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down properly, not letting go of the strangers warmth.

"Are you smelling me?" The man asked which made me freeze. He chuckled and tightened his arms around me "I don't mind if you are"

As he finished laughing to himself I heard a car tyres screeching down the road. I knew straight away it would be Tae and felt myself welling up again. I should've just listened to him earlier when he told me to go for a movie night.

"JIMIN? Chim? Are you okay?" I heard Tae's voice as he jumped out his car and ran over to me. I immediately felt tears come back to my eyes as I heard his warm soft voice.

"I can't be alone with Yoongi anymore Tae, I can't, he's horrible. He's been cheating on me, he hurt me again Tae, he said he wouldn't and he did" I sobbed into the stranger neck, not realising I still had my arms around his waist, it felt like his hold on me got tighter as I mentioned what had happened between me and Yoongi.

"Oh Min, come here" he held his arms out for me and the stranger happily passed me over, I quickly got my legs wrapped around Tae's waist and sobbed harder, feeling his familiar hug made me feel a sense of home and security. I was wrapped around him like a koala but I couldn't think of anything other than finally being with someone I know better than I know myself "do you know this guy?" Tae whispered in my ear

"I don't, he saved me though. He knocked Yoongi out when he wouldn't let go of me and then waited with me until you got here. Be nice to him" I requested and I felt Tae nod with a sigh

"Thank you for helping him" Tae said softly to not upset me anymore

"Do you mind if I have a word alone with you Tae? If Jimin wants to go wait in the car or something" I looked at the boy and nodded

"Sure, how will I get your hoodie back to you though?"

"I'm sure you'll find a way" he smiled softly at me and I went and sat in Tae's car. It was nice and warm as he left the engine running. I bundled myself into a ball and watched Tae talking to the stranger. They talked for a while and I could see that Tae was frustrated as he kept rubbing his hands over his face and through his hair. They seemed to have a mini argument over something which quickly fizzled and they went back to talking. I noticed the man kept darting his gaze over to me and smiling when I caught his eye. Tae kept nodding for a minute and then typed something into the strangers phone before waving him goodbye and getting into the car with me. I watched the man as we drove away, he waited until we got about 30 feet away and then went back inside my house, I'm assuming to get Yoongi.

"What did he say to you?"

"Nothing really, just wanted to make sure I'll look after you. I also gave him my number and address in case you want to see him to say thank you, only when you feel better of course. Everyone ended up coming round for the film night as well by the way so if you don't feel up to it you can just go get in my bed" he smiled at me and I just nodded

"You gave a stranger your address?"

"He's not a complete stranger. I've met him before"

"Oh... when?"

"I'll tell you another time. You've had a long night" he smiled. I sighed at the fact being told things was for 'another time' was a common theme of the night but I didn't have the mental energy to deal with it or fight it.

When we got to Tae's I pulled the hood of the hoodie from the stranger up to hide my tear stained face. As soon as we opened the door I had someone pick me up and cuddle me tight, I immediately recognised the cuddle as Hoseok's and wrapped my arms and legs around him. I couldn't stop myself from crying again. He held me close to him and shushed me softly. We went over to the sofa were I stayed cuddled between Hoseok and Tae. The only two people I actually need in my life.

My thoughts went to Yoongi. I hope the stranger doesn't hurt him too much, I don't want him getting in trouble because of me. I know he's hurt me, a lot, but I don't always believe in karma.

"Tae, what was that mans name?"

"What man?" Hoseok asked suddenly, looking at Tae with a hint of... jealously? I'm going crazy, delusional almost, it's been a long night after all.

"The one who saved you?" Tae said looking at Hoseok sternly "Oh Uhm, I think he uh-said his name is Jungkook... or something, I don't remember his surname. He's very interested in whether you would be safe or not" he sounded angry at the thought of the stranger helping me so much, he suddenly changed his mood and smiled at me "but my little Chim is always safe around me" he pinched my cheek, but I just slapped his hand away

I soon heard footsteps coming towards us and turned round to find Jin, Namjoon, Minghao and Jun. They all gave me a comforting hug and sat down to watch tv with us, I could feel myself getting sleepy on Hoseok's shoulder. I felt him pick me up and place me into Tae's bed, tucking me in with a light kiss on my forehead.

"Good night Chim, I hope tomorrow is better for you"

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