Bonus chapter pt.2~

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"Kookie, make love to me"

"Fuck, Jimin, I love you so much. Come on" he groaned and carried me to our bedroom which we ended up getting sound proofed for the sake of our children's innocence

"I want you to take it slow. I want to feel every inch of you"

"You can have whatever you want baby" he smiled and lay me down on the bed. He pulled my jeans off my legs as well as his jumper that I had been wearing all day.

"Do you mean that?" I asked, kind of hesitantly. He looked at me shocked and kissed me heavily

"Of course I do, why would you doubt that I would give you anything your heart desired?"

"Because what I want is kind of a big thing..."

"What do you want baby? Hm? Talk to me" he crawled onto the bed properly and sat between my legs, massaging the muscles on my thighs

"I want another baby... I want a bigger family"

"Fuck... fuck Jimin I love you. Of course we can have another baby. We can have another 20 if it keeps you happy. I swear to you we will have more children. Starting tomorrow we will search for a surrogate and an egg donor. Maybe Nayeon would donate her eggs again... maybe even carry the baby..."

"I love you so much"

Our lips meshed together again but this time it was completely different. There was no urgency, no rushing, it was just perfect, slow, passionate, filled with love. Our breathing was getting heavier as our hands became more touchy feely.

I worked my hands down his work shirt and opened all the buttons, running my hands over his warm skin once it was open. I kissed down his jawline and neck before taking his lips between mine again. I smiled to myself when I felt his work trousers pop open. I felt him smirk against my neck as he sucked on the skin, leaving a dark bruise.

"I'm going to make you feel so good. You have no idea. I swear to god Jimin, you'll be begging me to do it all over again"

"Well, put your money where your mouth is Kookie... show me how good I'll feel"

"I will. I'm going to get you good and pregnant" he teased me with a wink

"If it was possible for me to be pregnant, I'm pretty sure I would be for the rest of my life. But I actually like the idea of having sex in such a passionate way it's like we are trying to make a baby"

"If that's what you want beautiful"

"It is... I want you"

He smiled and leaned down to kiss me again, meshing our lips together perfectly. After a couple of minutes he stood up and grabbed the lube and stripped himself completely naked. I whimpered at the sight of him, I'll never get over how good he looks naked, and silently begged for him to touch me already.

He climbed on the bed between my legs and started teasing my hole with his finger. He slowly slid it inside me, which was pretty easy from the lube and he played with me this morning before he went to work, so I'm pretty stretched out.

"Ah Kookie, just fuck me, I don't need stretching"

"I know you don't, but I like doing it"

"Fine... as long as you make me cum from it then"

"I always do baby" he teased me again and nipped at my neck "I wonder how many times I can make you cum tonight, hm? What do you think?"

"3, I think you can do it 3 times"

"Easy, don't forget valentines night 3 years ago, how many times did I make you cum then baby? Tell me"

"You made me cum 7 times" I moaned softly as he jabbed his finger against my prostate "fuck, Kookie, please"

"I'm going to take good care of you. First I'll make you cum from my fingers, then my mouth and then you can ride me"

"Yes, yes please I want that, I want that so much"

He carried on teasing my prostate with his fingers, sometimes stroking over it gently and other times doing it with such force it made my thighs shake.

"Kookie, Wait, I've changed my mind"

"What? Are you okay baby? Did I hurt you?" He asked suddenly sitting up and pulling his hand away from me

"No you didn't hurt me. I just want you to be rough with me with your fingers and mouth and then when I'm riding you, we'll be sweet and gentle with each other"

"I love you so fucking much" he smiled and pushed two fingers inside me this time, making me wince initially, but soon moan loud and clear

"Make me moan so loud that every fucker who hits on you in work can hear me. Make them see that you have someone who loves you and can make you cum harder than you ever have before" he pulled back to look at my face and I could see his vampire instincts were coming out. He was getting jealous and protective over me.

Even though he is the one who gets hit on at work pretty much everyday, whenever I mention him making me his for everyone to hear or see, it triggers something inside him. I never know whether it's good or not, but he always makes me cum harder than the last time.

He flipped me over onto my hands and knees and spanked my ass. He lubed up all four fingers and slowly pushed two inside me. They immediately hit on my prostate again making me whimper and bite down on the pillow. He landed another spank onto me and gripped at the skin harshly.

"Kookie, I'm close, add more fingers"

He did it straight away and added another two fingers. He groaned as my ass easily swallowed all his fingers. He pushed his fingers in further so his knuckles slipped into me as well and let his finger push into my prostate continuously for around a minute. The feeling was intense and frustrating as I was so close, he just wasn't going fast enough.

"Kookie, move them please" I begged him which earned another slap to my butt. He spread my cheeks further and started ramming his hand into me. My moans became more high pitched and my fingers gripped around the bed sheets as my peak got closer and closer. 

"That's it baby. Let everyone know you belong to me. Make everyone I work with hear you screaming from the amount of pleasure I give you"

"Kookie, Fuck, I'm cumming. Fuck Fuck Fuck"

"You sound so pretty. You're all mine Jimin. No one will take you away from me, no one will take me away from you, cum baby"

A second later I came into his hand that he cupped under my cock. I moan softer as my peak wore down and felt Jungkook pull his fingers out of me.

"I'll give you a second to collect yourself again baby. You still need to cum two more times"

"If they are as good as that last one, I'm going to die from too much pleasure" I giggled and flopped onto my back, pulling him in for a kiss


"Fuck, Baby. I love you so much" Jungkook moaned as he hit his peak. He came so deep inside me, his hands were so gentle, but his thrusts said everything else.

"I love you" I giggled and pulled him into my arms once he had pulled out of me. He buried his head into my neck and bit into me softly. I felt blood trickle down my neck so I stretched it out for him and let him drink.

It resulted in him drinking from me properly. He pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist. His teeth buried further into me as I locked my fingers in his hair holding his head to my neck. We know each other's limits when it comes to drinking now, I mean it's been 12 years, we know each others bodies inside and out.

When he finished he pulled away and smiled at me. His thumb stroked over my cheek and pecked my lips.

"Let's hope you're pregnant" he teased with a wink, making me giggle

"Let's hope" I smiled back and nestled into his arms, excited for the next months to come

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