Part 4

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I sat on the bed patiently waiting for Hoseok to come back, I looked like I was dealing with this quite well but in reality my head was spinning. When the door opened I saw Tae looking stressed, he just smiled slightly at me and sat down.

"What's going on? Tae tell me please. I'm so confused and scared and honestly I feel like I'm going to explode"

"What did Jungkook say? Just so I know where to go from"

"Uhm, not enough... I know I told him to leave but I have so many questions" I explained what he had said and Tae nodded, held my hand, took a deep breath and carried on

"Don't freak out okay Min, you know me, I wouldn't ever hurt you" he closed his eyes and when he opened them he had the same piercing blue eyes as Jungkook, he then opened his mouth a little and I saw his fangs. I pulled my hand away from him quick and moved up to Hoseok. I could tell Tae was upset as he looked down at his hands with a sad face

"You don't need to be scared Jimin, it's all okay" Hoseok said whilst pulling me closer to him. I looked at Hoseok with a worried face and he smiled at me to try and give me some comfort

"A-are... you one aswell?" I asked hesitantly and he shook his head

"No I'm not, I'm just a boring old human" he giggled to try and make me less worried

"So why aren't you scared?" I looked back at Tae again and he had changed his eyes back to brown "and how long have you known? And why didn't I find out?"

"I've known for almost a year, and you didn't find out because there was no real reason for you to know"

"What was your reason?" I questioned with a slight pout. I appreciated that Tae stayed quiet through all of this, it let me ask Hoseok what I needed to without feeling scared

"Can I tell him?" Hoseok asked Tae

"May as well, no reason to hide it anymore" Tae's voice sounded sad and soft. Almost as if he spoke any louder his voice would break

"Tell me what? Hoseok, tell me, no more secrets" I demanded and he nodded and pulled his tshirt up showing his stomach. There was a few bite marks, some more obvious than others.

"I'm Tae's source of blood" my eyes widen as my finger traced over to fairly fresh wound. I looked up at him and he looked like he was happy to do this but I wasn't convinced

"How could you do that to him?" I shouted at Tae and he looked away with sad eyes "are you okay Hoseok? You don't have to do it. We can move and live away from them. They won't find us" I held his hands tight in mine and saw his face crumble a little. How can he be wanting to do this?

"I know I don't have to Chim, I want to. We have an agreement, it's something I enjoy doing. We made it clear when we started that if at any point I didn't want to anymore, we can stop. Tae doesn't hurt me. It's the last thing he wants to do. And I hate to tell you, that even if I agreed, they would find us" he laughed

"What? How can you enjoy having a monster drink your blood? They're monsters!"

"Jimin, stop it, that's enough, they aren't monsters, you've known Tae all your life. Surely if he was a monster you would have noticed when he changed" I looked at Tae to find he was walking out of the room drying his face from crying. Everything I said came rushing back to me like a tonne of bricks. I wanted to go and hug him and apologise but my fear still had the best of me which caused me to stay with Hoseok "I can't believe you said that... Tae has done nothing to hurt you, ever. He adores the bones of you and just broke his heart"

"I'm just so confused" I stated whilst falling into a sob, one of those that come deep from your stomach "I feel like I've lost my boyfriend and now my best friend all in one day. I know Tae is still Tae. I know that, but this is such a huge thing I've just found out... what am I supposed to do with all this information?"

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