Part 29

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I saw Yoongi stood in the door with a smug face and then my eyes moved to the stranger. He was very handsome, and tall... much taller than me anyway. His eyes scanned over me as well as Jungkook instantly put his arm over my shoulder and kissed my hair. I gripped onto the back of his shirt, in hopes no one would see my intimidation, and looked back at Yoongi who rolled his eyes but still looked smug.

"Hey Jungkook, been a while" the stranger smirked

"What are you doing here? What do you want?" He said quietly but I could tell he was angry

"I missed you, I regret how we ended things... I want you back" the stranger said with a smug tone. My eyes snapped up to Jungkook who suddenly didn't seem as angry anymore, I felt my heart clench at the soft gaze he was giving the stranger, tears threatening to fall from my eyes. I could tell what was happening here and I didn't like it one bit.

"Jungkook..." I mumbled and he suddenly looked down at me, snapping out of whatever trance he fell into. He softened his gaze even more as he looked at me and tightened his arm around me

~don't worry baby~ he thought to me whilst kissing my forehead

"You need to leave, I don't want you here" Jungkook told the stranger who didn't move, even after being told to leave

"But Jungkook, he misses you. He wants you... don't you want him? Just a few months ago you were begging for him back"

"W-what?" I stuttered out, feeling a tear roll down my face

"No, no, baby it's not what you think" he pulled me into his chest and wrapped both arms around me "Tae can you and Jimin go upstairs whilst I deal with this?" He asked Tae and simply nodded and grabbed my hand to pull me away. I gripped onto Jungkook tighter and he just smiled softly and kissed my lips. "I promise it's okay baby, go get in bed and I'll be up soon, okay?"


"I love you" he said before Tae pulled me upstairs

"Tae... what's going on?"

"I'm not sure Chim, let's just get in bed. Jungkook will sort it out I'm certain"

Hoseok decided to stay downstairs with Jungkook to make sure everything was okay.

When we got into bed Tae immediately pulled me into his chest as tears fell from my eyes. I gripped on his tshirt as he tightened his arms around me

"Why am I never enough Tae? Why does something or someone always get in the way. Why can't someone just be happy with me?"

"What do you mean? Jungkook loves you, not whoever that guy is"

"But Tae, did you not see that guy? He's beautiful! And tall, and muscly and... confident. He's everything I'm not, I'm not beautiful, tall, muscly and I'm definitely not confident. Why would he want me over him?"

"Because in Jungkook's eyes, you are the most perfect person, I would say human... but y'know, that's not the case anymore" he giggled and pulled me closer to him. He smelt good, but not near enough as good as Jungkook... The guy who is probably downstairs falling in love with that stranger. "Whoever that guy is isn't important. Jungkook changed you... he wants you forever. You're tied together now. He wouldn't have done that unless he was absolutely certain that you were the love of his life"

My Jungkook.

"Stop worrying yourself Jimin, I'm sure he'll be back up here soon and will swoop you up into his arms and explain everything. He loves you"


I woke up to an empty bed. I checked the time and saw it was only 2am. Tae left a note beside me stating how I fell asleep pretty quick and went to bed once Hoseok came up.

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