Part 15

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The next morning I woke up not feeling Jungkook's arms around me. I frowned a little and rolled over to see him lying next to me with his arms outstretched, and I guessed that I had just rolled away during the night. I gave him a gentle kiss on his cheek and nestled myself into him. As I was getting comfy he woke up slightly and immediately locked his arms around me.

"Good morning beautiful"

"Morning Kookie" I teased him

"Stop calling me Kookie" he replied with a husky morning voice but with a slight chuckle to it

"Never, you'll end up loving it just you wait" I responded and he just chuckled again and kissed my forehead.

"You're really cold" he whispered and tucked the blanket round me tighter

"Yeah, I woke up rolled away from you so I am a bit cold" he groaned in protest and held me closer and tighter to him than he ever has.

"Are you okay by the way baby? I didn't push you too far last night did I? I know I can get carried away sometimes" he brushed his fingers through my hair and kissed the top of my head "especially when it comes to punishments"

"Yeah, I'm good. I really enjoyed that side to you. I might misbehave again one day if that's the punishment I get" I teased him, he just laughed and kissed my lips softly

"Come on, let's go get some breakfast, I'm hungry" he said whilst pulling me out of bed. He dressed me in some sweatpants and one of his hoodies with some thick socks and pulled me onto his back once he was dressed as well. I kissed over his neck and shoulder and felt goosebumps cover his skin from the sensation.

When we got to the kitchen Tae, Hoseok and Yoongi were there also eating breakfast. Tae immediately opened his arms for me to cuddle into so Jungkook let me jump off his back so I could go over to him. I stood between his legs as he was sat on a breakfast bar stool and my head was on his chest as he gave me a squeeze. I caught Yoongi's gaze and just smiled at him slightly to not make it awkward between us. I looked over at Jungkook who was making us both breakfast and smiled to myself. He must have realised I was staring as he turned round to look at me and winked before carrying on.

"How are you today Chim?" Hoseok asked with a mouth full of food

"I'm okay, just hungry at the minute" I moved away from Tae and I saw his eyes widen. I looked at him confused and he just pointed to my neck signalling that you could see the bite marks from Jungkook. I gasped softly and pulled my hood up before Yoongi could see them.

~what's up?~ Jungkook thought to me as he tried to blend walking past me incase I needed him.

~nothing, I forgot that I had bite marks on my neck and Yoongi might've seen so Tae told me they were on show. I'm okay don't worry~ I smiled at him and kissed his cheek gently before sitting down next to Yoongi.

Once the food was done Jungkook placed two plates of food down and picked me up to move me a seat away from Yoongi and sat between us. I laughed quietly and saw Yoongi roll his eyes and sigh

"Why are you so protective of him? Ever since that night you saved him when I lost my temper you're everywhere he goes" he looked Jungkook up and down "how did you even know that I lost my temper? How did you know that Jimin was in a bad situation? Do you have some sort of super power?" He mocked and I saw Jungkook and Tae smile to themselves, laughing slightly at the fact that they do actually have a super power

"Drop it Yoongi, it's too early for this" I begged but he shook his head

"No, I want to know. How did you know? Who are you? Were you stalking him when he was my boyfriend? Are you a danger to Jimin? If you stalked him enough to know that he needed help surely you're bad news."

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