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Comment of the day is @handicapable you win a follow! 😂 you also win a message from me and I'll give you a hint to who it is 😏

Everyone was sitting on the bus brainstorming ideas on what to tell the fans.

"We could say Kirstie's having problems with her pregnancy" Kevin said

Kirstie sat next to Avi rubbing her baby bump

"No! We aren't putting my wife and the baby in danger if it's a crazed fan they could get upset and attack her!" Avi said

"Ok ok... your right" Kevin said

Matt smiled cuddling into him and nuzzled into his neck. Kevin smiled feeling slightly better with Matt by his side.

"Just say something awful came up and the tour will be postponed we will keep you updated" Scott said

"Your a smart boy!" Mitch kissed Scott on the cheek.

"Uh Mitch you have a boyfriend...?" Matt said and Kevin nodded in agreement.

"Sorry.. just got excited" He said looking down.

"Okay everyone tweet it out!" Avi said

Everyone started typing a way and watched fans start blowing up there phones.

After 30 minutes of driving the bus came to a stopped. Matt and Kevin were cuddled up sleeping and so were Kirstie and Avi.

Mitch was awake on his phone and Scott was listening to music.

Everyone started waking up when the bus came to a stop.

Kirstie sat up slowly from laying on Avi. "Where are we...?"

"Esther was nice enough to let us make a pit stop we are picking up Beau from his hotel so we can all go home." Mitch said

Everyone nodded and laid back to where they were but stayed awake.

Kirstie stretched standing up and walking to the bathroom and came back spraying her hair with a spray bottle "Mitchy can you do two French braids in my hair. I think it looks cute plus I like the waves when I take them out."

"I think they looked cute too" Avi said blushing

Mitch smiled and nodded and Kirstie giggled at Avis comment and sat down on the ground in between his legs as he started braiding her hair.

After a few minutes Beau hopped on "Thank you guys for picking me up.. it's been a rough day.."

He was bundled and shivering from the car and walked to the back putting his stuff back there and walked out taking his  gloves and jacket off.

Mitch frowned still braiding her hair "is your mom okay?"

"Yeah... she had a heart attack..." Beau sniffles starting to cry.

Mitch tied one finished braid and set it down getting up to hug Beau.

"We are really glad your mom is ok Beau" Kevin smiled sadly.

"T-thank you guys so m-much. Mitch told m-me about Nicole and Austin w-what did the police say" he said drying his face

"Literally they have nothing.." Scott huffed angrily.

"I just d-don't understand..." he said

"Neither do we.. they never deserved this.. Austin was my f-friend" Matt sniffled starting to cry and Kevin wrapped his arms around Matt.

Kirstie teared up looking at Avi "I cant believe I lost my bridesmaid at our wedding... she was one of my b-best friends.."

"I know baby.." Avi hugged her tightly.

Mitch kissed Beau and went back to Kirstie and started braiding her hair again.

"No cuddles for me..?" Beau laughed and laid on the couch

"Right after I finish my best friends hair!" Mitch laughed

"You guys have been so close lately " Beau laughed

"I've noticed it too I barely get time with my own wife!" Avi said jokingly

Everyone laughed making fun of the friends.

"We've just been having fun!" Mitch smiled

Mitch finished her hair and she struggled with her stomach to stand up.

Mitch stood up "I'll get it for you what do you need?

"Just an ice pack.. I'm super hot." She said

Avi stood up "leave the heroing to the husband"

"I just want to help!"

They argued for minutes and Kirstie was hot and irritated.

"Just get the pregnant woman what she needs" Scott yelled.

Kirstie got up almost falling and Mitch and Avi tried helping her.

"No no just don't I'm going to bed" she walked down the hall to the bunks and laid on her bed closing the curtain.

Matt sighed "I'll talk to her.."

Scott stood getting the ice pack and walked back with Matt to her bunk and Avi and Mitch could here her crying.

Avi glared at Mitch "Look at what you did"

"I DID?! If you would've just let me help her" Mitch said and Beau stood taking Mitch and cuddling him.

"Alright deep breaths. Everyone is stressed from what happened and Kirstie's hormones are out of wake let's all get some rest..." Beau said

Kevin nodded "We need sleep"

They looked down the hall and they could see Matt and Scott crawling into their beds exhausted.

"Ok.... I just need to grab my charger from Kirstie's bag in the back.." Mitch walked hearing Kirstie already snoring

What he saw in her bag shocked him..,




Ski mask

And a mask that looked like the one in the video.

Mitch ran out "Kirstie has something to do with the murders.. call 911"

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