Two more

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Someone has got the three clues and found out who the killer is they got two tries to guess because...

Jeremy isn't a character on the story.I want to make sure people know

First time winners of comment of the day!!
Can't figure out how to post two pictures again but here are the two!!

Comment of the day is @harrypotternerd76 and also @Newport63 you win a follow! 😂 you also win a message from me and I'll give you a hint to who it is 😏


We are doing a Q and A with the characters!! Message me your questions and for which character and that will be the next chapter.
For example Scott how long have you and Mark been dating.

They can be serious or silly!
Avi was on the ground holding his face from Kirstin's punch.

"What do you mean can't remember?!" Mitch yelled

Kirstie was shaking and crying scared and the Nurse clicked a button and more nurses can running in and started trying to calm Kirstie.

"Well her attacker did hit her head with the bat and from being traumatized she lost her memory but we did find it's only temporary. So you guys being here and talking about things may make some things click. She's jumpy because the only thing she does remember is being attacked but a detective was in here just before you... she can't remember who. There are two police officers are outside on guard because the detective said whoever attacked her definitely wanted her out of the picture. Also When your talking to her about her past don't overwhelm her. If she needs any thing click the button because she can't walk any where to get herself food or drinks or if you want you guys can do it." The nurse said.

Avi sat in shock and Scott and Mark walked over helping him to his feet.

Avi stared at Kirstie in shock. She was crying and fighting the nurses scared.

He just wanted to hold her and calm her. He wanted to sing her favorite song and rub her pregnant belly like he used to.

He lost their baby.. and in a way lost his wife.

Scott and Mark walked him over to a chair where Avi slumped over, staring at floor.

Kirstie finally relaxed after taking some medicines and eventually the nurses left.

Kirstie looked at them nervously "A-are any of you gonna h-hurt me?"

"No no no of course not! We wanna talk with you!" Scott said

"About what" she asked already intrigued

"Just about are pasts" Scott said looking at Mitch hoping he would understand

"Yeah the memories we had together!" Mitch said understanding.

"How? I don't even know you?" She said confused

Scott sighed. It hurt him to see one of his best friends like this and it was hard having to explain everything.

"You actually do.. we've practically grown up together" Mitch said

She crossed her arms and snorted "I would've remembered that."

Avi had his head leaned against Mark crying. Mark just held him and tried comforting him.

Avi couldn't believe it..... his wife.... whoever did this was going to pay. He was going to make sure no one would hurt her again. They were going to rot in prison for the rest of their lives.

Kirstie looked at Avi with concern "why is the handsome one crying?"

Kirstie giggled blushing and twirled her hair. Avi sat up wiping his face.

"Well that's your husband." Scott said

"How?! I just don't understand how is he my husband if I don't know him?!" Kirstie said getting overwhelmed.

Avi stood about worried about her "Give her some space."

Mitch nodded and dialed up Beau "How's it going babe?"

"She's hanging in there Mitch.... I wish you would've came with me and not Kirstie but any way... how's Kirstie?" Beau asked

"Im sorry baby.. but Kirstie is my best friend I'm surprised you asked! Well she did loose the baby but she is alive but she can't remember anything. All she remembers is she was attacked...." Mitch said

"How... tragic.." Beau said.

Scott sat next to Mark and Mitch chatted to Beau.

Kirstie looked at Avi "You really are handsome."

Avi smiled "I think your the most beautiful girl ever"

Kirstie blushed "You do look familiar a little... I don't want to bother you but I'm hungry and thirsty...could you get me something. I'm not aloud to walk anywhere"

"You could never bother me. Of course I will. I'll go to the cafeteria" Avi asked leaving the room.

Kirstie moved her body and and pushed the sheet off and everyone saw her... she had bruises up and down her arms and was in a hospital gown and she still had her two braids that Mitch did in her hair.

Kirstie sat up stretching and felt her hair.

"What are these in my hair...?" She asked

"Those are French braids." Mitch set his phone down.

Kirstie held her head rubbing it in pain and Scott and Mitch watched her in concerned.

"Hey I think I may have remembered something!! She said smiling

"Really what!?" Scott said

"Well it was weird.. when he said the word French braids I just remembering being on this bus but somehow I knew it was a tour bus and I was asking you to do my hair" she said pointing at Mitch.

Mitch smiled "I'm mitch."

"Right! I remembered you name too... but that's it" she sighed.

"It's ok.. just relax" Scott said

"I guess your right... I am getting tired though.. can you tell the man who is getting my food that I'm too tired to stay awake..." she yawned laying back.

Scott walked and pulled the covers over her.

She laid back falling asleep and Mitch and Scott smiled at each other

"At least she remembered something " Scott smiled

Suddenly the door burst open and Matt and Kevin ran in and behind them was Avi.

Matt ran to Kirstie sobbing and took her hand.

"Matt shhhh don't touch her she's sleeping" Mitch whispered yelled

Matt let go and Kirstie's arm dropped and she shifted in bed.

Avi set her plate of food down and was white as a ghost.

"What's wrong?!" Scott said.

"Esther and D-Darien w-were found murdered in their house.... the detective said it happened a few minutes after Avi called saying Kirstie was in the hospital...." Kevin said

Avi couldn't take it all of it anymore... he collapsed to the ground.

His sister... his child.... his wife.

And then he blacked out.

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