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Waking up covered in plants was a surprise for Evelina. Her room was full of flora, it was overflowing out the window. As her eyes adjusted to the light, the plants slowly retracted and made the space more livable. She fell asleep in the clothes she was in yesterday and was now suffering from the effects of wearing dirty clothes to bed. She felt filthy and she needed new clothes. Evelina sat up on the bed, realizing that what happened yesterday was not a dream. She was at a new school and she could finally learn to control whatever powers that she had.

She stood up and sighed, realizing that she would have to ask someone for clothes. That meant leaving her bedroom and facing the world. What a horrible thing the world was. It was early in the morning and no kids were walking around just yet, so the walk to Jean's bedroom was quiet and easy. Evelina gently knocked on the door, waiting for a moment as she realizes that Jean may not be up yet.

"Don't worry, I am," the red-head says with a smile as she opens up the door. She was still in her pajamas, but she was obviously wide awake.

"Sorry, I just realized that I don't have any clothes," Evelina tugs at the sleeves of the shirt she wears, wanting to get the uncomfortable clothing off.

"It's alright, you can borrow mine. And then we can ask the Professor if we can go to the Mall. I'm sure he'll let us," she says and invites the girl in, shutting the door after she enters. Jean walks over to her armoire, opening it and grabbing a shirt and a pair of jeans. She looks over to Evelina and smiles at her as she stands awkwardly in the middle of the room.

"You worry too much, Evelina," she remarks and hands her the clothes.

"Thanks, and I know. But, it's hard not to worry when you're afraid of killing someone at every second."

"I know the feeling," she says and places a hand on Evelina's shoulder. She flinches as Jean touches her, but does not pull away. "You're not the only one who can't control their powers, especially ones as dangerous as ours. Just like the professor said, you're not alone."

She closes her eyes, as tears drip down her cheeks. Jean hugs the girl and she sobs into her shoulder. It has been too long since she had a friend and now she felt sort of complete. It had only been a day, but Jean had accepted her so quickly. It was a blessing from some sort of greater power.

As Evelina's sobs softened, Jean held her. She finally stopped after a couple of minutes and smiled up at Jean who wiped away the tears on her cheeks like a big sister would.

"Go get dressed and we can go to the mall," she says gently and Evelina hugs her tightly before walking out of her room with a big smile. A smile that was long overdue.

After getting dressed, she found most of the group in the kitchen. They were all munching away at their breakfast happily and unhappily. Peter and Scott both looked like they were ready to jump back into the bed and Evelina wishes she never said yes to Jean. The idea that Jean did that for her filled her heart with joy, but she was probably the only one.

Jean walks into the room with a smile, seeing that everyone was here.

"The Professor said yes," she says and the other cheer in celebration.

"That's totally tubular," Jubilee exclaims and grins.

"I'm so excited to go to the mall again. I wonder if we can visit the arcade," Kurt inquires and Peter raises his hand.

"I second that!" he says quickly and grins. Evelina stares in slight shock when his hand moves faster than she could comprehend. He was fast. Super fast.

"Looks like we're going to the arcade," Scott says as Jean sits next to him. Evelina stares at the group sitting around the table, almost being excluded from the conversation even though the trip was supposed to be for her.

Jean looked over and waved the girl over, making a space for her at the table. The brunette smiled and walked over, initiating the conversation. It lasted for a while as people just kept talking and talking, but Evelina just sat and listened. She really had nothing to say but appreciated the fact that the others tried to include her.

After the conversation wrapped up, the group moved onto the garage and chose two cars to ride in. Jubilee was one driver while Scott was another due to the fact that the whole group could not fit in one car. There were too many of them and Evelina could easily guess that they would be kicked out of the mall quickly.

Evelina's premonition was correct and the group was escorted out of the mall in record time. Luckily, she was able to buy some clothes that would last her a while and she could go the rest of the week without worrying what she would wear the next day.

The two groups got back to the school and scattered after arriving. Evelina was left to unpack her new clothing by herself in solitude. It was nice to be alone for a short while after being surrounded by many loud teenagers trying to talk her head off. That was what came with having friends and she did not really see a problem with it, she just enjoyed her own quiet time.

As she put her clothes away, she felt the plants right outside her bedroom calling out to her. She needed to be surrounded by nature for a short while, to help her get in touch with her mutation. After all the clothing was put away, she quickly walked out of the room and house, into the garden. There was a large tree in the middle that Evelina instantly adored, so she decided to climb it. She pulled herself up the branches and made it up to the top of the tall pine tree. She looked around at the view from the top, staring out at the vast campus that the Professor has made.

It was gorgeous. There was a tranquility that filled Evelina and she forgot about everything that happened. It was just her and the nature surrounding her. Her eyes closed and she reached out to touch the bark of the tree. It was speaking to her, wanting to be acknowledged. No students stepped foot into the small garden and no one has visited the beautiful tree. It was lonely and Evelina related. She wrapped her arms around the trunk and smiled as she filled her spirit with the life of the tree. It was alive and she felt alive.

A voice broke her out of her calm state.

"What are you doing up here?" a gruff voice asks and Evelina jumps, detaching from the tree.

She screams and falls back, out of the tree. The drop is quick and she can almost sense her death coming. The wind blows through her hair as she falls several feet, the ground in sight. Her eyes closed and she embraces what is coming.

It never comes. Arms wrap around her waist as she is jolted back, into the air. Her eyes open suddenly to see ocean blue eyes staring back at her. She was saved.

Angel, You're Perfect // Warren Worthington IIIWhere stories live. Discover now