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"Shit, he definitely would, wouldn't he?" Hoseok asks worriedly, and Namjoon nods his head.

Jin struts over a group of boys with a smile on his face. I'll make them regret ever cheating on me.

"Hey, Jeongguk. Remember me?" He asks, placing one of his hands on the boy's shoulder.

"U-uh oh hey, hyung i - it's uh been a, while" Jeongguk stutters, looking up at Jin.

I forgot how easy he is. How boring...

Seokjin takes a seat next to the blushing male. "Did you miss me?" Jin asks, smiling. "I missed you."

And when Jeongguk can only nod dumbly in response, Jin knows he has the boy right where he wants him.

"Can you be a slut somewhere else, please? He has a boyfriend," Yoongi chimes in, rolling his eyes.

Jin bites his cheek and looks up at the boy giving him a fake smile. "Slut? I'm just one of his old friends," Jin pouts, standing up from the seat.

Jeongguk grabs his hand, staring up at him, eyes begging for him to stay.

Taehyung glares at the two, jealous of how close Jeongguk is with the older. "Hyungie, can I talk to you in the hallway for a moment?" Taehyung asks, standing up glowering at Jeongguk.

Jin looks over at him and smiles. "Sure, Taehyung," Jin shrugs, letting go of Jeongguk's hand.

Taehyung walks away from the group into the hallway, with Jin following behind."What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Taehyung asks, hands shaking in anger.

Sensing the tension, he smiles sweetly, afraid to piss the boy off more. "I was just saying hi," he answers, taking a small step back from Taehyung.

"Why are you being nice to him? You're still mine Jin," the male growls pushing Jin up against the wall.

Jin lets out a laugh, pushing the boy away. "I'm not yours anymore. You cheated on me, remember? Whatever we had is over," he scoffs, leaving Taehyung standing alone in the hallway.

As soon as the last bell rang, Jin walked straight home, still pissed about what happened with Taehyung.

"He's such a fucking asshole," Jin mumbles to himself as he opens his house door.

He walks in to see boxes all over the house and his mother digging around in one. He tries to tiptoe upstairs in hopes she doesn't hear him and ask for help. She pops her up from the box, giving her son a big smile running up to him and pulling him into a tight hug.

"Hey honey, how was school," she asks, still holding onto him.

Jin stares at her blankly before forcing a smile. "It was great, mom! I saw Taehyung and Jeonggukthat was so much fun," He answers sarcastically.

She gasps dramatically, pulling away. "Did those jerks bother you?" She questions.

"Nope, but Taehyung's boyfriend did," Jin answers walking upstairs to his room.

"I will go up to your school! No one bothers my son!" His mother yells from downstairs.

He rolls his eyes, laying down on his bed, plopping face down into his pillow.

Why did we have to move?

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