June 19, 1891

337 26 0

God damn it! That's what the rumors about Rocket were about. I checked with the BLM and she's not a mustang. She's a quarter horse. I did some digging and she belonged to an old rancher named Bill Smith and he abused her till one day she jumped a fence and joined a band of feral horses. She's a tough horse though she's got a scar on her stomach from an animal of some sort like a dog or coyote or something. It explains so much and I'll be changing my plan with gentling her to work with her trust issues and head shyness.
Liam has been a great help around the land. And he's been a great friend when most of this town seems to be against me. He's been getting along really well with Rozzie so I've made her his horse to work with. I tease him cause both inhale food like it's no tomorrow and say that's why they are good together. He's a nice guy it's been good to have some company.
Mojo and I are getting along well. He's a quirky beast. He tries to eat absolutely everything and can get pushy but he's fun to ride and has some speed.
Flicka is at the perfect time to ride. I'm a bit nervous though, starting a new horse always means there is a risk of injury and I really can't afford that right now. But I also can't afford to lose the property. So tomorrow I will get on Flicka.

I finally wrote again!! Sorry, it's been so long but I've been super busy. Comment opinions or suggestion?

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