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(Adelyns POV)

Today is Sunday, which means school is tomorrow. I try not to think about school and enjoy my day off. My mom comes home tomorrow night, so I have to do everything fun today, before reality hits me. 

I get up, and immediately take a shower. Same old, same old shower thoughts rush through my head. The only thing that occupies my mind is, Ethan. Ethan. Ethan. Ethan.

"STOP!" I scream. I must look like a crazy person, but every time I try to not think about him, I can never stop. 

Why does he not like me? What was so bad that happened in his past relationship? Why doesn't he believe us about Drake?

Okay I've had enough for one day, and decide to get out of the shower. I brush my teeth and hair,  and put my outfit on. I decide to go hiking today so I wear Lulu lemon shorts, Adidas tennis shoes, and a tank top.  I pull my hair in a loose ponytail, grab my phone, and head out the door. 

Mentally face palming my self I remembered my mom has the car so I have to Uber there. I go back inside to get money and sit on the grass while calling an Uber. I sit there for about 5 minutes until I heard a door slam. 

I looked up and saw Ethan storming out the house, looking mad as ever. He saw me and as if this was possible, got even angrier. He jumped in his car and sped down the driveway, and down the street. I sighed to myself and laid back down on the grass. 

I hopped up at the sound of my Uber drivers horn, and entered his car. 

"Hi, where would you like to go?" the nice looking man asked me.

"umm... I don't actually know. Do you recommend any good hiking places?" I asked. 

"lets see....." he pulled out his phone and googled it. Well I could've done that. 

"theres many spots around here, but if you're looking for something more quiet, I know a place."

"great, thank you so much!" I say excitement filling my voice.

we begin the drive to the mysterious hiking destination. I can't help but to feel excited to let loose of all my worries even if for only one day. 

we pull up into a small parking lot in front of a cliff. 

"here we are. your total will be 23.46" the man says smiling.

I hand him the money while thanking him. I exit the car, and the first thing I see is a breath taking view of a cliff and a running river. 

I start running towards it, feeling free. I climb until I reach the very top of the cliff. I start to lean over the edge to get a better view of the river, when I feel my feet slipping. I flip over the edge of the cliff, and am now holding on to the ledge. Of course this had to happen to me at the most deserted hiking location. 

"HELP!!!" I begin to scream, even though I know it is probably useless. I start to give up once it feels like I can't hold on anymore, and thats when I feel someone grab me. They hoist me up and pull me away from the edge. I look up and see the unexpected. Ethan. 

"Ethan? what are you doing her-"


"WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH" I scream back. 

his face changes to more of a aggravated look and he spits out, "I don't." and walks away. 

"Ethan!" I yell running to catch up with him. 

he doesn't say anything but just keeps walking. 

"I could ask you the same thing. why are you here alone?" I say sounding frustrated. I know he saved me and all, but being a jerk about it isn't necessary. 

"Adelaine, really? I come here to think when I need time alone. I don't come here to fly off the fucking edge." 

"for the last time, my name is Adelyn. And that obviously wasn't my intent." I spit back.

he doesn't even look at me, but. just keeps walking. I run even faster this time to once again catch up to him. 

"why do you hate me so much Ethan?? you push me away and you don't even know me!" 

he still stays quiet not even daring to look me in the eye. 

"fine. whatever. I don't know what your problem is but I don't have time to try to be friends with someone who obviously won't put in the work." I say. 

"oh shut up. like we would ever be friends. why would I want to be friends with a slut like you? and I know you just use my brother for his popularity. And the whole drake thing pisses me off even more. youre such a lying bitch." I stop dead in my tracks feeling a little hurt by what he just said to me. I guess he could see it in my facial expression, and I thought that maybe for just one minute, I saw him actually care about my feelings. 

I don't say anything and instead just storm past him. He walks behind me and I turn around and scream, "stop following me!"

"my car is this way dumbass." Ethan replies with an attitude. 

I turn back around and keep walking until I reach the parking lot. 

"shit." I mumble to myself. I only brought enough money for the ride here. I start to turn back around to just go back to the cliff, because it is better than sitting in the parking lot.

"why are you turning around." I hear Ethan ask behind me. 

"why do you care." I snap back.

"do you ever shut up? I'm just asking a question."

"because I didn't bring enough money for an Uber home, okay! go ahead, call me stupid, dumbass, idio-"

"get in." he says quietly referring to his car. 

I did as he said not wanting to piss him off anymore than I already have. The ride home was silent. But inside my head it was anything but silent. 

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