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(Adelyns POV)

Thursday Night 

it had been a couple days since the last time me and Ethan have talked. we haven't had tutoring all of this week, because Mrs. Williams has been sick, so she wouldn't know if Ethan showed up or not. 

Ive talked to Grayson since the lecture I got from both of them on Tuesday, but only at lunch. he hasn't even been offering me rides, so ive been forced to take the dreaded bus. 

I get he is just trying to look out for me but does he have to take it to the extreme? I still don't get why Ethan cares so much about what I do when everyday he acts like he hates me. 

my thoughts got cut short when I heard my phone buzz. 

8:04 pm

Grayson: hey adelyn, sorry I haven't been acting the same around you since the whole thing on Tuesday, I just really think its not a good idea if you go. but I also understand that you don't go to parties and want to experiment. thats why I wanted to text you and see if you maybe wanted to go with me and Ethan? 

his text was so sweet. Grayson isn't like Ethan. he doesn't criticize me, but he instead tries to see my point of view on the situation. 

8:10 pm

me: hey, I would love to go with you. Ethan? I don't know. is he just going to pick a fight with me because I'm going? I don't understand why HE cares so much. 

8:13 pm

Grayson: listen adelyn, hes not as bad of a guy as you think he is. he's just trying to look out for you. if he tries to pull anything with you ill make sure to put a stop to it. goodnight A, see you tomorrow morning when I pick you up :) 

well at least I know he is going to pick me up tomorrow morning, for the first time since Tuesday.

8:14 pm 

me: okay thanks! goodnight gray <3

the party is tomorrow night, so that means I have less than 24 hours to pick out an outfit for the party. 

I need to text Harper, to see if she can come over and get ready with me. she was the girl I met at the firs party I have ever been to when I got super drunk. she started sitting at our table and me and her have slowly became closer. 

8:23 pm

me:  hey girl, do you wanna come over to my place to get ready for the party together? I'm riding with Ethan and Grayson, and I'm almost positive they would not mind if you came along with us!

8:32 pm 

Harper: hey! yeah sounds like fun! I can't wait girl lol its been too long since my last good drink, and Nathan's parties are always lit.

8:45 pm 

me: haha yeah I am kinda scared to go, since this will only be my second party. but ill be with Grayson so I should be fine. right? 

8:47 pm 

Harper: girl yes! you will be fine. just relax and have a good time. ill be right at your side the whole time. gotta go, mom is making me study, see ya tomorrow!!! 

8:51 pm 

me: night!! xo 

hmm I need my outfit to make a statement. after hours of deciding, I finally chose to wear light wash jean shorts, a yellow tube top, and vans. I set it next to my bed, preparing for tomorrow. 

I lay in bed dreaming about how the party will be, until I finally fall asleep. 


I shot awake and realized my alarm did not go off. I looked at my phone to see it was 8:07. school started 7 minutes ago. I sigh very loudly, and jumped out of bed and quickly got dressed. 

I ran down the stairs, to see my mom already gone. gee thanks for making sure I was up before you left. 

I realize I have no ride to school because my moms car is gone, the bus has already left, and I'm sure Grayson has already gone to school. 

I look down at my phone to see 10 missed calls from Grayson, and a text from him also. 

7:42 am 

Grayson: hey adelyn, you must've overslept, and I would wait for you but I have a test first period. Ethan said he would wait for you, so just walk over to my house when you get this, he should be there.

Ethan is waiting to drive me to school? why would he care if I had a ride or not? 

I ran out of the front door, and across the street to the Dolan's. I knocked on the door and a sleepy Ethan opened the door. 

"hey sorry, Grayson told me to come over here when I woke up because he said you said you would take me to school. I woke up late." I say quickly. 

"I told Grayson I wasn't going to school today. never volunteered to take you princess." Ethan said. I knew it was too good to be true. 

"okay well, will you please take me I don't have any other ride. and you might as well go too, you're literally trying to miss school for no reason." I say. 

"thats the point. its called a relaxation day. but you have already ruined it for me, so get in the car." he says while reaching for his keys. 

I mumble a quick thanks and hop in the passenger seat. I see the driver side door open and Ethan slides into the seat. he starts the car and we are on our way. 

at first it was awkward silence until Ethan broke it. "so are you still adamant about going to Nathan's party?"

"you know the answer Ethan. why are you even asking?" I sigh and roll my eyes. 

"because I was hoping you came to your senses by now, but apparently not." he says rudely. 

"well I am riding with you and Grayson there, and Harper said she will stay by my side the whole party. so I will be fine." 

"oh yes, the girl who got you stupid drunk at last weekends party. got it." he says.

"you are so annoying Ethan. can you please stop acting like you care?"

"im not acting. I may be a dick, but I wouldn't ever try to put a girl in danger. and you're just asking for it if you go to his party." 

"okay well I assure you Ethan, ill be careful, okay?" 

he just nods his head, but still doesn't look too convinced. 

we finally get to school and Ethan hops out the car before I can even grab my stuff. I see him waiting for me to get out the car, and I lightly smile. my smile quickly fades when I realize he was just waiting to lock his car. he speeds off and before I know it I'm alone in the parking lot. 

I sigh and walk into school heading to my class. this day needs to go by fast, for my own sake. 

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