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Ethan pulled into his driveway and got out of the car. He angrily walked into his house without even say goodbye, but what did I expect. 

I walked back home and looked at the time. 2:56 pm. I decide to just go home and watch Netflix for the rest of the day, because outside activities were obviously not for me. 


I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm, and get dressed for school. I wear light wash jean shorts, a cute top, and vans. after I finished getting ready, I walked downstairs to grab a banana. Just as I was opening the front door, I felt the other side jiggle. I opened it to see Grayson. 

"hey Grayson, whats up?" I said.

"Hey Adelyn. I was wondering if you would maybe like to ride with us to school since you don't have a car?" he ask sweetly. Us?  Great that means Ethan. 

"Sure! Let me just go grab my bag, ill meet you in the car." I said. He nodded and walked back to the car with Ethan in the drivers seat. As I was locking the door, I heard a loud horn being laid on. I looked up to Ethan dramatically throwing his hands in the air telling me to hurry. I roll my eyes and begin walking to the car. 

I get in the backseat and I've decided to just ignore Ethan, because why would I give someone attention when they don't return it?

He looks back at me with a slight smirk and I looked back at him in confusion. He kept his glare on me and I started to feel uncomfortable. 

"Are you gonna drive or not?" Grayson says getting irritated. 

"Waiting for Miss Princess here to say hi to me." Ethan says with an even bigger smirk. 

I remain silent because I know thats going to piss him off more. 

"E leave her alone lets go." Grayson demands. 

"Not until she says something." Ethan says dropping his smirk a little. 

I remain silent for another minute with Grayson constantly trying to get Ethan to drive. 

"ya know what fine, be a bitch." Ethan says turning around angrily. why does he suddenly want me to talk to him? 

"Ethan stop! What the hell is wrong with you. We are going to be late on her first day, can you please just drive." Grayson yells. 

Ethan quickly shifts gears, and goes like 80 in a 45 zone. 


we finally make it to school still alive thankfully. We all hop out the car and Ethan immediately speeds off before I even close the car door. 

"I'm sorry for what he said to you, Adelyn." Grayson says guiltily.

"please stop apologizing for his actions, Grayson. You have nothing to do with what he says. He's not your responsibility." I say. 

"I know. But I just feel like I'm constantly picking up the mess he left behind, and I'm getting tired of it." Grayson says sadly. 

"then stop. why do you?" I ask. 

"I don't know. He's my brother, and I know deep down he's not like this. this is just a fake face he puts on because he's hurt. the brokenness is making him go insane." he tells me truthfully. 

I just nod not wanting to pry into their life. we begin to walk towards the school building and Grayson offers to take me to the office. 

when I get to the office they hand me my schedule. 

"do we have any classes together?" I ask hopeful. 

"umm lemme see." he says while grabbing my schedule.

"we have English together and thats it." Grayson says sadly. So that means I have 5 other classes alone. great. 

"hey so I gotta head to class, but if you want to you can watch football practice after school today? Me and Ethan are both on the team." He asks.

Ughhh Ethan. I have to go for Grayson, just Grayson, not Ethan. Right? 

"yeah sure id love to! I didn't think Ethan was into being on a team." I say.

"im telling you he's not that bad of a guy Adelyn!" Grayson says while running off.

Okayyy. My first period is History in room 243. I look up and I'm in front of room 240. I feel someone brush against my shoulder and look up to see Ethan. He walks into room 243...lovely. 

I awkwardly walk into the classroom, and everyone is already seated at their desks. 

"hi, are you new?" the teacher asks.

"hi, yes I am. Im Adelyn."

"Nice to meet you Adelyn. Im Mrs. Smith. You can sit over there next to Ethan." She says kindly. Youre kidding right. It could've been anyone else. But no. It had to be him. 

I took my seat to the left of Ethan and fought the urge to not look over at him. throughout the period, I felt his eyes land on me a couple times, but I just ignored it. 

The bell rang and it was time for second period. Ethan jumped out of his desk and sprinted out the door. I slowly get up and say goodbye to the teacher. 

I walk into second period and there he is again. and again. and again. Ethan is in all of my classes. All I have heard all day is "You can sit next to Ethan." This is going to be a great year. 

broken hearted | Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now