Back To Hell

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"Mom I told you already, Rose is giving me a ride this year!" I screamed from upstairs.

My Mom doesn't understand how getting dropped off by your mother, senior year, is worse than walking. I love my Mom, but I wish they could buy me a car already. I can drive and all that legal stuff you have to do prior to getting a license, but my Mom just bought Alina a car. We aren't poor, but two cars in the same year would put us in major debt!

"Lilian Ferina Hayes! How dare you scream at me. Rose better buy you a car too, because I'm not!" She yelled from downstairs, with her arms folded. Then she said somethings in Farsi, I rather not repeat her words.

I hate when she calls me by my full name, I don't even understand where they got Ferina from.

Why can't I have a normal middle name like I don't know how about Carol, or Courtney? Even Kevin would be better than Ferina. Plus everyone knows me as Lily, not Lilian!

I need to stop ranting and get over it.

If you haven't guessed summer's over, and it's the first day of school.

I'd be asleep still, but it's my last first day of school in high school.

Don't get mopey with me because I'm ecstatic! Seriously I'm jumping for joy, no sarcasm intended this time I promise!

Have you been to high school? There's fake people everywhere who always have an opinion to say about you if you piss them off.

High school's the one place where you can put on a fake smile, and it will go un-noticed. Because honestly people are too caught up with their drama, and couldn't give a rats ass about you.

Unless you have a best friend.

Which I happen to have two, so I'm good.

I run over to the bathroom and jump into the shower.

I start rinsing and singing, I guess I have a morning vibe to me today.

Don't get used to it though because I'm not going to lie, I'm a real bitch in the morning.

I laugh in my head while I put a bunch of shampoo on my hair, I see the instructions say to lather, rinse, and repeat.

Do people still do that now-a-days? Oh well it's senior year, might as well make my hair smell good and look extra sexy! 

"Now remember Lil, don't have sex or you'll never guest star in I Love Lucy! No, I'm fucking with you. She got pregnant and got even more fa-" Alina burst into the bathroom saying that, and stopped when she saw me come out with a towel wrapped around my body. Alina and I love I Love Lucy, and I just realized how exposed I am. Oh well she's my sister, and it's not really a big deal.

"Lily put some clothes on! No one wants to see that!" She shouts, and covers her face with her hands.

"As if Alina. Everyone wishes to see my sexy self come out of a steaming hot shower in the morning." I say back with a wink.

We're not like that, we just kid because, well there's not really an explanation? 

We laugh, but not like that annoying giggle laugh, just sister laughter.

"Alright let's pick out an outfit that goes with that sexy bod." Alina says, and uses air quotation marks on the sexy bod part.

"I trust you nothing trampy, skanky, or something Regina George would wear?" I said back to Alina, very much serious.

If you haven't noticed Alina, my two best friend's, but mainly me, quote or mention Mean Girls a lot!

"Alright, I'll go for a Gretchen Wiener's look. Just kidding, I wouldn't dress you like a slut." Alina said in a sisterly way, that's sister bonding for us. I chuckle, and started straightening my hair. 

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