•Chapter 3: The Bullies•

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(y/n)'s POV
Monday came back way too quick and I was worried. Sure, they didn't mess with me on Friday but that's because it was the first day of school. But now, nothing will stop them. The they I'm talking about are my bullies. Yeah, I know. Soooo cliche. The nerd who is in chorus, threatre and sometimes joins the band whenever they need a hand is bullied. What else is new? Anyways, as I walked into school I was tripped then pushed into the lockers. I cried out in shock at the chilling feeling of the lockers. I heard the laughs of them behind me before I was kicked to the ground. Above me stood Felix, Seán, Ken, Bob, and Wade. We had all used to be good friends, Mark included but the popularity got to them from being on the football team or something along those lines. Mark and I had stayed the same way but they didn't dare cross Mark's path. Mark was smaller than them but still a lot stronger so they kicked around the second 'best' thing. Me. I could taste the metal from the blood running down my lip when I had fell into the locker and was getting ready to stand when I was kicked again. I gasped out, the sound a raspy wheezing sound. They laughed more until I heard a few people run over. I weakly looked up to see Nate with his wide brown eyes filled with worry for me along with Mat, picking me up and looking at Nate. "We need to get her to the nurse and fast. It's never been this bad before..." Mat said. Nate nodded and looked at my pathetic, weak form before gently taking me while Mat ran to get AJ and Mark. I looked at Nate one more time before my eyes closed, blood running down my nose and my lip. I knew I would have bruises tomorrow and maybe a cracked rib or two but Mat was right. This was the worst it had ever been. I felt Nate run to the nurses office, my shivering form against his hard chest. "It'll be alright. Don't worry. I'll help you..." He whispered before I felt myself get laid down on the nurse's bench in her office. I opened my eyes, a few tears going down my face before Nate reached over and wiped them. The nurse came in and gasped, seeing me. "(Y/n)!" She said shocked. My breathing was shallow, wheezy, and a bit raspy. It hurt to breathe so much. About 10 minutes later, I heard sirens. "It's okay. It's an ambulance." Nate reassured me. I couldn't move so I just gave a weak smile. "Thank you..." I whispered before the paramedics came in and helped me onto the stretcher. "Can I come?" Nate asked them. "Boyfriend?" One of the paramedics asked. I saw him nod a bit hesitantly before they let him in with me. He held my hand and just kept whsipering how it would all be okay and that Mark had taken care of the others before my body gave up and I went unconscious. The body's way of protecting me from anything too traumatic. "I'll be there as long as you need me to be (y/n)..."

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