Chapter 4-Making it Official

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That weekend we spent talking about the school year and what we were going to do. Lorde had enough credits to graduate. I asked him why he was still at school but he refused to say. I told him I was thinking of quitting sports and he said he would support me in whatever I wanted to do.

Shouldn't a dominant have more say and control in what their submissive does? Why was he so lenient with me? Maybe he had no intentions of being my dominant long term. What would I do? Male submissive queens (MSQs) were not highly sought after. Everyone preferred females. In the dating pool MSQs were the last resort. Discriminated against across the board.

I didn't sleep all Saturday. Sunday, I barely had any appetite at breakfast. Lorde had something to do with his father and was gone most of the day. They didn't return til dinner leaving me more time to stew. When his mother called for lunch I said I felt ill. I cried several times thinking about how bleak my future could wind up being.

At some point, I fell asleep.  When I awoke, it was getting dark out and I could hear Lorde and his parents laughing. I felt a pang in my chest. I missed my family already. I wiped some stray tears and got out of bed. I washed my face and slapped some color into my cheeks then went downstairs.

"Teegan!" His mother squealed hugging me. "You're just in time for dinner."

"Great!" I rubbed my hands together. "What are we having? It smells good."

"Aww, it's nothing special. Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, corn and carrots."

My eyes lit up. I know, meatloaf is kinda bleh. Not her meatloaf. I don't know what that woman puts in it but it's fucking delicious. I rushed into the kitchen to help her set the table. Lorde came in behind me to get the cups and drink pitcher. When everything was set, we were joined by his older sister, Andace, a female dominant stud.

His parents mostly discussed politics and what a rough time their diplomat friends were having due to the current government. Andace was talking about her grad courses and some female submissive she had her eye on. I mostly kept quiet, thinking over my life. I didn't hear my name being called until Lorde pinched my butt.

I shot out of my seat. "Lorde, what the f-!?" I glared at him. He merely smiled then nodded his head towards the family. I felt heat rush into my cheeks and retook my seat. "My apologies."

His family laughed softly.

His father spoke. "I know it's been a long week but we have a lot to discuss."

I frowned and looked at Lorde. He had a shit eating grin like he knew something I didn't. One day, I swear, I'm gonna smack that sexy fucking smile off his handsome goddamn face.

"Like?" I asked trying not to sound nervous.

"Lorde has prepared the Dominant Dowry as is required. You should take it to your family as soon as possible," his father said.

A piece of corn decided to block off my windpipe and I began choking. Did they just say Lorde prepared a Dominant Dowry for me? Me?! That means he...I...we...

"Breathe, Miracle," Lorde whispered in my ear.

I took a huge gulp of water. "Seriously?"

His smile widened. "I told you I'd make it okay."

Was he really serious? "But-"


I gasped as he put his lips on mine and he took no time dominating my mouth. His hand tangled into the hairs in the back of my head as he claimed me in front of his family. When he decided I needed air, he let me go and bit my cheek.

"Dammit, Lorde!" I smacked his arm and rubbed my sore cheek totally ignoring my embarrassment. " I'm not food!"

He pulled my chair closer to him and bit my hand that was rubbing my cheek. "Won't stop me from trying to eat you up."

Andace made a gag sound. He gave her the bird.

His mother sipped her wine with a smile just as calmly as if this shit was normal. "As you can see this beast intends to claim you as soon as possible. So I suggest you get started planning."

"What about school? College?" I asked.

His father quirked an eyebrow and smiled. "Lorde, you didn't tell him."

"Nope." He shoved potatoes in his mouth, "and don't intend to."

I shook my head. "You're gross."

He showed me the ooey gooey white mess in his mouth. "Kiss me, baby."

I recoiled and scrunched up my nose. "Eww. No!"

"What about the contracts and the ring?" Ian, his father asked.


Andace pointed her fork at him. "Collar?"

"Already set."

"Letter and applications?" Maureen his mother asked.

"Tee needs to sign."

His dad tipped his wine glass at him and smiled. "My boy."

Lorde smiled and put his arm across the back of my chair. "After dinner we'll go over that stuff and have it all done by Friday."

"Good stuff." Maureen stood and started cleaning up. "Get him a suit for the event too. I think grey will look good on him. Brings out his eyes."

"Good call." Lorde stood and nudged me. "Ready, Tee?"

I was still a bit dazed. They had everything except the bond ceremony worked out in a matter of minutes. My family would be figuring it out for days. I stood and grabbed our dishes. Once in the kitchen, I scraped them then rinsed them and set them in the dishwasher. Lorde grabbed my hand and lead me upstairs. He shut and locked the door, kissing me, then went to his desk. There was a red folder on it with gold lettering. He pulled out the chair for me to sit and handed me a pen then opened the folder.

"I told you I wanted you to be mine and I meant permanently. I have no intention of letting you go, Miracle. I know you've been worrying about it."

I scoffed. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

He poked my cheek. "The puffiness and dark circles know exactly what I'm talking bout. Plus, you're losing weight because you're not eating due to worry."

Damn him. He's good.

He smiled.  "I need my man fat and happy not sad and skinny."

I raised an eyebrow at him with a slight smile. "You calling me fat?"

"Chubby muscle," he corrected pinching my side. "I like you that way." He pecked my lips then pulled the top page out of the folder. It was the application to the courts to have an official bonding ceremony which was the equivalent of a wedding and collaring ceremony in one. The second was a financial form filled out by dominants and their parents. It was already completed. Lorde quickly snatched that one from me and turned it face down so I couldn't see what was on it.

I quirked an eyebrow. Hiding stuff already. "Lorde?"

"You don't need to worry about that."


He kissed my cheek. "Listen to your dom."

I pouted. Bastard. One day. Smack. Right in his smug handsome ass face.

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