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Dear Diary
Two states away till we have reached from Coast to Coast. I will feel satisfied once we reached the East Coast.

Matt's POV
Sun rising. Shining on my face. I opened my eye, Nate was driving the car. I saw no welcome sign. He already must be in the other state.

I felt the car jerked and I rolled the direction where the car jerked. I sat up. Nate looked at me through the window and smiled, I smiled back and put on my shirt and pants then grabbed our bags. I got out of the car.

Like usual our daily morning travel routine. After we got done "I went to the laundry mat which you were asleep" he said, I nodded "Then we'll go went we are in Massachusetts" he continued, I nodded and kissed his cheek then hugged him, he hugged back. I want him in my arms to hold him like this forever. Dana texted me last night while Nate was asleep and I woke up in the midnight.

Nate's mom and dad know we are coming. But I can't tell Nate or he would turn around so fast. He promised Dana he would visit for a couple of days. After he figures out that she and I planned on it beforehand.

Plates clinging. We are at the diner now. I took a bite out of a fried egg "So where are we going today" I asked and took another bite, he finished chewing what he had in his mouth "We are going to the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area" He said taking another bite of his pancakes. I nodded and ran my fingers through my hair.

I put the tip on the table and he paid for the food. We got in the car, I admire Nate as he drove. I did that a lot. The way the sun shines on his blue-grey eyes, his freckles popped out in the sunlight, his hair glimmered too. I could kiss him now but he is the drive.

I got lost in my thoughts which seems like a couple of seconds. I felt the car jerked but I was still admiring Nate. He unbuckled and looked at me "...Earth to Matthias" He said, I kissed him softly, he kissed back "Sorry. I was lost in my thoughts about you" I said, he smiled again and got out the car. I grabbed my camera as usual and got out.

After hours and hours of walking around. And we might have made out somewhere that no one can see us and call us fags or even give us looks. I looked in Nate's eyes and kissed him again. I was in a weird mood. Not a horny mood but in a lovely mood. I just to kiss him for hours on end. He kissed me back, I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer to me as much as I could. He played with my hair as I rubbed his side with my thumb.

I pulled away from air and he did the same "We should probably go" he said, I nodded and let go of him. We walked to the car and he started to drive to the nearest rest stop.

I climbed to the back and helped Nate close the curtains. He closed the front one and climbed to the back the car. I kissed him again and he kissed back.

After a couple of minutes, we both drifted asleep into the night, cuddling each other. And felt safe by each other's warmth

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