The Only Chapter Without A Stupid Title Since There's Nothing Funny About This.

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Ebony’s POV

“Ebony, Ebony, EBONY!” I jumped as I heard the strangers voice, and, of course, as I always do when a random person wakes me up, I  punched them in the face. As my vision cleared I looked up, a tall man, at least I assume he was tall -he was hunched over cradling his face- was standing next to me.

“Oh damn, I’m sor-” The man looked up.


“Annnd I take that back. On second thought, come closer so I can punch you again.” I gave him my most menacing grin and I almost didn’t notice his shiver. My eyebrow crooked up and I laughed before standing.

“Do I frighten you? Is the great and mighty Poseidon afraid of his little bastard daughter?”

“I had my reasons, Ebony.” He started.

“Nope, nuh uh, I’m gonna stop you right there, just stop, I don’t give a flying fuck about whatever reasons you ha-”

“I am your father! You will respect me!”

I stared at him for about a minute before I burst out laughing.

“OH! Hah! Oh my lords, that has to be the funniest thing I’ve heard since Clint got drunk. Let’s get one thing straight, YOU are NOT my father, you were a fertilizer that helped create me inside of my mother’s uterus, THAT, was as far as your fathering went.”

He looked at me starstruck.

“And I’ll take that as my cue to leave. Buh bye.” I turned to walk away and he spoke up again.

 “I called you here for a reason.”


“It’s your brother.”

I whipped around. “WHAT!”

“Percy Jackson, his name,  Ebony, that's the point of the prophecy, the seven, you HAVE to rescue them.”

“Arrrrgggghhhh, my life was so much easier when there were no gods in it besides Thor and his bag of cats brother.”


“Um yeah, you know, Norse god of thunder and all that shit?”

His face turned dark before he yelled out, “I KNEW IT!”

I gulped, “Why do I feel like I just told you something you shouldn’t know.”

He shook his head, “I’ve been suspicious of other gods existing for some time. I have proof now.”

I growled, “You can’t tell them.”

He raised his eyebrow, “Who?”

I sighed, “My uncles.”

He still looked confused, I mumbled profanities and spoke again, “Zeus and Hades.”

He frowned, “I have to obey Zeus’ wishes.”

“You know you don’t want to.”

“I have to.”

"When was the last time you did?”

"That was a long time ago."


He stood up and began to walk away, “I’m sorry Ebony.”

I launched myself forward and grabbed his wrist, “Dad, please.

He looked amazed for a total of about three seconds before he smiled.

"You’re as persuasive as your mother.”

I gave him the warmest smile I could muster, “I try.”

10 minutes later

Poseidon gave me one last squeeze of my shoulder and smiled at me.

"You'll do fine Ebony, have faith in the prophecy."

"Yeah, I'll totally have faith in my own death, I hope Hera is not as bad as everyone says she is."

He laughed, "I'll pray for you."

"Thanks Dad, real supportive."

He threw his head back and full on laughed this time. After about a minute he became serious again.

"You won't tell anyone of this conversation?"

I shook my head.

"Good, there are four pegasi waiting in the stables on the other side of camp. It's my gift to you, use the black one. I wish you luck Ebony." He waved me off and I began to wake up.

"Yeah, I wish me luck, too..."

The Sacred Four- Book 1: Saviors of OlympusWhere stories live. Discover now