My Edginess Painfully Dies in a Fiery Hole.

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Bridgette's POV

After Ebony had thrown a mini temper tantrum and Jenni left us, the rest of us were left awestruck, not really knowing what to do. Dan glared at me as if he wanted to brutally stab me with a harpoon 678 times, which was understandable. But that wasn't what was bugging me. I could feel a pain in my chest as I began to pick at my nails nervously.

Was I feeling...guilt?

Welp, this is new.

And I certainly didn't like it.

Without any of my control, my legs started to force me to head towards the river, where Ebony was. My legs were kidnapping me. Wait, wouldn't that be leg-napping? I have no clue.

Anyways, despite my frequent protests, my abductors (leg-nappers, if you want to be technical) dragged me all the way to the river. Once they stopped, I glanced at the river before I decided to at least say something.


No response.

"Ugh.. Can you atleast stop having literal fish for brains moment and come out of the darn river, please?"

In all of her red-haired "glory", Ebony dramatically launched herself out of the river and landed a few inches in front of me. Like Dan, she shot me a glare that signalled that she wanted to impale me with a rusty broom. Which, of course, was understandable.

"Wow. You actually used manners for once, Bridgette!" Ebony plastered a fake smile onto her face. "Color me impressed!"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it," I forced myself to look into the daughter of Poseidon's eyes. "You absolutely hate both Jenni's and my guts."

"Wha...Jenni?" Ebony's "smile" quickly faded into the oblivion once I mentioned the daughter of Hermes' name.

"After she lectured the heck out of us and you ran off, she left us too, looking visibly distressed." I let out a sigh as I shook my head. "I'm 999.12% sure she thinks you hate her guts now."

"First of all, I'm pretty sure that that's NOT an actual percentage and you just threw that number together in your head about half a minute ago and second she's just taking things way out of context."

"How would she be taking things out of context, Potts?" I asked her. "You literally threw a mini temper tantrum like a negative three year old would."

She let out a barely audible laugh before speaking. "I'm gonna be a big sister."

Wait, WHAT?

"You just lost me on a cloud in Asgard, what the hell are you talking about?"

She sighed. "I'm just under a lot of pressure right now. The phone call I got earlier? That was Mom. She- she's pregnant. I'm gonna be a big sister."

"I...Oh my Asgard ducks..." I shook my head. "I'm sorry for being such a mythic bitch.."

"Mythic Bitch? Where do you ou come up with stuff?" She asked me.

"Musical reference, dumbass," I rolled my eyes. "Are we good now?"

She punched me in the nose.

"Now we're good."

I gripped my nose in pain.

"Why would you do that?!" I yelped as blood dripped through my fingers. I had my head down so I couldn't see Ebony smirking at me.

"You were pissing me off."

I sighed exasperatedly, "You never think things through."

Ebony shook her head, "See here Bri, I was taught to think before I act. So, that being said, if I beat the ever living shit out of you, rest assured I've thought it through and am confident in my decision."

I rolled my eyes dramatically before speaking.

"Alright then, let's get back to camp, I need to see a doctor." 

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