Dan's a Brainiac, Bridgette's a Rainbow, Jenni's a Thief, and I'm a Kelp-Head.

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Ebony's POV

Well, after some mushy and emotional moments, Emo Boy, Jenni, and I finally met back up with Rebridgerator, Dan, and Horse Dude. When Jenni made eye contact with Horse Dude, she nervously dropped her gaze to the floor and awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck.

"Sorry about the- um..." Jenni mumbled, I sighed.

"What Jennifer means to say is that she is very, VERY sorry about stabbing you with a pencil, however, in the future, don't sneak up on her, or better yet, ANY of us. If it was me, you would most definitely be suffering from something worse than a stab wound." I finished, glaring at him.

"Ebony, there's no need to threaten him." Jenni awkwardly shifted as she spoke.

"No, I have every right to because I honestly don't give a shit." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Ebonyy.." Jenni started to kinda pout in a way.

"Nope, no, don't say it gosh damn it Jenni, cause I know what you're about to say, just shush."

"But Ebonyyyy..." She kind of pouted even more. "If I was the one who snuck up on you, would you threaten me?"

"Yeah, with a jar of peanut butter." Jenni turned pale, "Just drop it." I turned back to the Horse Dude.

"Soooo, I've been calling you Horse Dude for the past four hours so now is a good time as any to ask, what the hell is your name?"

"If I'm being honest here, I think Horse Dude kind of has a nice ring to it.." He said.

"Of course you do. Men..." I muttered.

"Ebony!" Jenni elbowed me in the stomach.

"Um, ow?" I snorted, looking down at her.

"I'll get the croquet mallet." She said blankly.

I slowly backed up, "Nice Jenni, nice angry teenager."

"Go suck an egg, Ebony."

"I- you know what, I'm not even gonna reply to that. So Horse Dude! Name please?"

"My name is Chiron." He explained. "I'm the camp activity director here."

"Camp? Like summer camp? This is not good." I said slowly, shaking my head and laughing.

He looked confused and I smiled, "The last time I went to a summer camp my step dad forced me to go. I wanted to go home so I blew up one of the tool sheds..."

His eyes widened and Jenni frowned at me, I was worried for about 3 seconds before he started laughing.

"That has to be the funniest story I've heard in three hundred years. I can see you four are a bit confused, come with me and I'll explain everything.

*Time skip brought to you by the fabulous Tom Hiddleson*

Soooo apparently we were all demigods? Yeah alright, cause THAT makes sense. Bridgette fainted halfway through. So now I'm a human-DEMIGOD- chair.

A trumpet horn thing blared in the background and Chiron led us to a fire pit because we had apparently missed dinner, sad.

"What a waste." Bridgette complained. "I fainted AND I didn't get any food."

"Rebridgerator, stop complaining," Dan sighed as he merely shook his head.


"Dan, Bridgette, stop being lovebirds," I said to them. "You guys can get a room later. Chiron looks like he's about to say something."


"Shut it."

Bridgette glared at me before she decided to shut the hell up. Chiron stepped in front of the fire as many other...demigods surrounded around him. I glanced over at the others: Jenni was running her hands through her hair nervously, Dan looked annoyed, and Bridgette looked like she was going to stab me. That seemed like a new thing for her.

Chiron struck his hoof against one of the many rocks surrounding the ring. All of the people-ack! Sorry, DEMIGODS snapped to attention and a quiet hush settled over the rest of the campers.

"I am aware that many of us are still rattled by the attack earlier today, however as many of you have been wondering, yes. We have not one but FOUR new demigods joining us here today. The other campers all craned their necks to see us, I growled and stepped in front of Bridge and Jenni as they quietly looked down. Dan stood shoulder to shoulder with me, blocking them from view.

"No need to be tense you four, we are all the same here. You will stay in the Hermes Cabin tonight now let's begin the sing alo-" Chiron got cut off by a bunch of glowing symbols above Jenni, Bridgette, and Dan's heads. The only head that was lacking a symbol was mine I frowned. What did they mean?

The campers gasped and Chiron spoke in a grim voice.

"All hail Jennifer Farman, daughter of Hermes, god of thieves. All hail Bridgette Levine, Daughter of Iris, goddess of the rainbow. All hail Daniel Samoioa, son of Athena, goddess of wisdom."

Everyone looked at me expectantly. I put on a blank face.

"If you guys are expecting a light show to pop out of my brain I can tell you it's not gonna hap- oh ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?" A glow much brighter than my friends appeared above my head. A shimmering blue fork. Wow, spectacular.

Everyone EXCEPT for my friends had immediate reactions, shouting things like, 'that's not possible' or 'are you serious? Another one?' really boosts your self confidence, am I right? Chiron looked amazed as he spoke again.

"All hail Ebony Potts, daughter of Poseidon, earth shaker, storm bringer, god of the sea."

With more titles than the ones my friends got, I get the idea that I should be honored. But the way Chiron announced it made it feel like he'd just handed me a death sentence.

And if you thought that was the worst thing that happened then you were WRONG. Because not TEN SECONDS later the FUCKING FIRE turned BLUE. The flames shot high into the night sky before dying down again. Once the fire died everyone gasped at the sight of the ashes. Laying there, glinting brighter than when Tony has me clean his suits, was a golden fork.

I slowly stepped forward and picked it up, expecting it to be hot. The golden metal was cool in my hands and cast a calming aura. It was beautiful, however all I could say was:

"Wow, a golden fork, thanks 'Dad'."

The Sacred Four- Book 1: Saviors of OlympusWhere stories live. Discover now