Everything Goes to Shit. Again.

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Jenni’s POV

Being worried out for your freaking mind about literally everything is really not fun. Ebony randomly passed out, we’re going on quest for who knows what, and we all may die. What is there not to worry about?

“JENNI!” I jumped when I heard Bridgette scream my name at the top of her lungs.

“What?” I asked her as I tried to compose myself again.

"You suddenly zoned out on us.” She told me.

“Okay, then..” I nervously shifted. “Wh..what were we talking about again?”

 Bridgette facepalmed as she glared daggers at me. This was new. She looked like she was about to murder either me or stab me in the eyes multiple times with a rusty spoon. And that made me worry even more.

“Urgh, I feel like shit on a stick.” I turned around and looked down. Ebony had a hand to her forehead and was turning green.

“I think I’m gonna throw up.” She shot off the floor and tried to make it out of the house.

She didn’t make it.

“Oh, lovely for you to actually join us, Ebony,” Bridgette shifted the glare onto the redhead on the floor. “Seems like you’re done chatting it up with your talking fish brain of a dad, right?”

She looked like Bridgette had finally developed a brain before speaking.

“What the heck are you talking about?”

Now, Bridgette looked confused.

“That was what you were doing, wasn’t it?”

Ebony shook her head very slowly.

“No, I remember having a dream, Tony took away my ice cream and I was trying to get it back.”

“Ummm, what?” Dan suddenly perked up from being deep in thought.

“Nothing, Daniel.” Bridgette narrowed her eyes as she continued to glare at Ebony. “That was one of the worst lies I’ve ever heard. Even a pig with wings could lie better than you can, you dumbass.”

“I’m not lying, I seriously have no idea what you’re talking about, you fucking Edgelord.”

“Nico’s the edgy emo boy, not me.” Bridgette still seemed like she was still pissed off as ever. “But that’s not the point. I’m sure if anyone actually had ears in here, they could tell that you’re lying your prissy little ass off.”

Ebony finally stood up and it seemed that Bridgette, in all her edginess, had forgotten how tall Ebony actually was. She trembled as  Ebony towered almost a whole foot over her.

“Are you accusing me of lying? That’s about as logical as Dan NOT doing his homework.”

“U-um..before anyone gets killed-”

“Oh please Jenni, please do it.” Bridgette growled, jerking her thumb at Ebony and the bringing a finger to her throat. My eyes widened as Ebony grabbed Bridgette by the shirt collar.

“That's funny, yah know Bridgette? That's real funny,” she turned to me, “Go ahead then Jenni, make your move. I dare you.”

"I-I didn't-” I could feel my body becoming tense as I continued to watch the scene in front of me. “Um..u-uh..I gotta go, see you-!”

“Jenni, wai-”

Before whoever said that could finish, I just bolted out of the area out of fear. Call it cowardly and foolish, but I did NOT want to become Ebony’s next victim. After some running, I was greeted by someone’s body. Anddd I bumped into someone. Yay.

“I’m so sorry, I wasn’t looking-” I moved away from the person’s body to be greeted by a familiar face.

“...Jennifer?” Nico looked at me in a confused way when he saw how shaken I looked. “What happened?”

“I- E-Ebony..Bridgette-” I could feel my hands starting to shake as I spoke. “Th-they got into a fight..a-and-”

“Oh gods.” Nico’s face paled as soon as I said that. “The last time a child of Poseidon and someone else got into a fight was absolute chaos.”

I shoved my still shaking hands into my jacket’s pocket as I tried to calm myself down. Jennifer, there’s no need to be panicking about something like this. I told myself. Everything’s going to be fine...maybe. I looked back at Nico after trying to reassure myself and attempting to make my panic go away. He appeared to look really worried and concerned, and I guessed it was because of the fight.

We heard a crash coming from the big house and turned in time to see Ebony get punched in the face by Dan. My eyes got really big and Nico’s eyes clouded over. He looked angrier than when Bridgette had her pop tarts taken away. The ground began to crack as Nico raised his arms. A bunch of skeletons crawled up and out of the ground around us.

“Nico! STOP!” I yelled.

He didn’t.

The skeletons ran towards my friends as they fought. I watched as one brought it’s sword down on Bridgette, a scream built in my throat. Before the sword could make contact with Bridgettes body, Ebony brought her hand to her neck and ripped off the necklace that I hadn’t noticed before. She clutched the necklace as it grew into her death fork. She then used it to impale the skeleton and knock off its head.

I threw my arm out and my bracelet fell off, but instead of hitting the ground, it flew forward right towards Ebony.

“EBONY LOOK OUT!!!” I screamed, she turned to look at me with sympathy just as the knife hit her right in the stomach. She looked down at it, touched it, then looked right back up at me, and smirked. Just as she fell she tilted her head up to the sky and shouted what I heard as;

“Heimdall! Open the Bifrost!”

The skies opened and a beam of light shot down, enveloping Ebony inside of it. When the light receded, she was gone.

The Sacred Four- Book 1: Saviors of OlympusWhere stories live. Discover now