Asgard Ducks Are Now A Thing. Buy Yours Today!

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Dan's POV

She disappeared! She frickin’ disappeared! Why why why, can’t I keep tabs on one FLIPPING person?! Jenni must’ve finally calmed Death Boy down a bit because the skeletons began to crawl back into the ground. There was a burn mark etched in the lawn where Ebony had vanished. I now understand why Tony complains about lawn maintenance.


Anyway, Jenni and Nico were now running towards me. Several other campers, along with Chiron came running towards us.

“Are you alright? Where is Ebony?” Chiron asked as he cantered up to us.

I let a small smile grace my lips, “We’re fine and uhh, Ebony, well, Ebony’s on Asgard.”

“..Asgard?” He asked.

“You don’t know what Asgard is..?” I blinked in surprise.

“I’m honestly not surprised.” Jenni crossed her arms as she shot a glare towards Death Boy. “Once you think about it, Asgard sounds like the name of some fancy cracker or an exotic species of duck.”

“Asgard ducks?”

“Yes.” Even though Jenni still shot an angry glare at Death Boy, a smile appeared on her face. “They’re a thing now. Don’t question it.”

“Damn, now I want crackers.” Bridgette mumbled, rubbing her forehead.

“Nobody asked you, you edgelord.” I rolled my eyes.

“Okay, a bit off topic here, but can you imagine Loki as a duck?” Jenni asked.

I snorted, “I dare you to ask Ebony that question.

“Are you insane? She’ll kill her!” Bridgette yelped.

“Shut up, Bridgette.”

Chiron carefully watched our pointless banter and stepped in before we got even more off topic.

“Back to your point,” Chiron steered the conversation back to the original starting point. “What IS Asgard?”

“A breed of duck.” Jenni dead-panned.

“Sooo, Ebony’s on a duck?”

“Totally.” She replied. “She left us all here to ride a magical, glittery duck in the sky.”

“Jenni, no.” I said.

“Jenni, yes.”

Chiron’s eyes widened.

There was now two burn marks on the ground as Thor stood there in all of his blonde glory. Ebony was turning green next to him.

“Asgard ducks are an elusive species of duck that live in a rainbow castle in space.” Jenni “explained.” "Ebony decided to ditch all of us to just to accomplish her lifelong dream of being one of the Asgard ducks.”

“What the hell?” I heard a deep familiar voice ask.

Then Ebony spoke, “I leave for ten minutes. SO now I’m apparently a giant glittery duck in the sky. You see what I have to live with Thor?”

“Asgard ducks are a thing, Ebby.” Jenni turned to face her and Thor with a smile on her face. “Buy yours today.”

“Pre-order now and get the limited edition Asgard crackers for your Asgard duck!” I added.

“I hate you all.” Bridgette the edgelord said.

Ebony just stared at the three of us blankly as Thor looked kinda offended. Uh oh..this can be good. I thought.

“That must be hell Ebby.” Thor rumbled, Ebony frowned.

“DON'T call me 'Ebby’, asshole.”

Thor chuckled shortly, however I noticed to solemn look on his face.

“Thor? What's up?” Dan asked.

Thor sighed much to dramatically for my liking and spoke, “Loki has, escaped prison.”

“Oh nooo..” Jenni made her voice sound extra dramatic. “We’re all gonna die now. Oh, wait. We were going to die anyways.”

JENNI!” I yelled.

“What?” She asked. “I’m just being honest.”

“Well, why we’re on the track of being honest, I’m, just gonna say it. I’m glad that he escaped prison.” Ebony mumbled.


“What, I mean, think of it this way, let’s put a homicidal maniac who needs a little TLC in a cage by himself for the rest of his immortal life, because that just sounds like a fantastic idea. If he stayed in there, he would have gone insane and if he did get out, he would lose it and literally kill everyone.”

“There’s literally no such thing as a ‘homicidal maniac who needs a little TLC’, Ebony,” Bridgette sneered. “I guess your prissy littl-”


Ebony and Bridgette turned towards the sound of Jenni’s voice. She began to lecture them, with Thor and Chiron looking very uncomfortable on the sidelines.

“Bridgette, you really have no fucking reason to be such an edgelord right now.” Jenni looked pissed off as hell. “It’s because of you that Ebony was sent into Asgard for who knows how long.”


“Shut it. I’m not done. We’re in an already stressful situation, and we really don’t need this edginess right now.” Jenni then turned to Ebony. “Now, Ebony, I have a bone to pick with you.”

The redhead looked stunned before she let out a confused noise.

“You’re at fault, too.” The brunette female let out a sigh. “You took things wayyy out of hand. You practically threatened everyone in the room, I know you have anger issues but you literally told me to try and kill you. Seriously, what the heck!?”


“I’m still not done, Ebony Potts. You lied to Dan, Bridgette, and I. Don’t even try to lie your way out of this. I know you. I can sense there’s something that you’re hiding, and it pisses me off that you’re not being honest.”

Ebony’s eyes clouded over as a look of rage crossed her face, we all watched in surprise as a tear slipped down her cheek.

“Fuck this. Fuck all of you.”

Annnd then she turned around and ran towards the river, she didn’t spare time to look back before she submerged herself and disappeared from our view.

“Bitch,” Bridgette rolled her eyes as she glared towards the river.

“I- What did I do-?” Jenni just looked somewhat confused at that moment. “I-I’ll catch up with you guys later-”

Then, Jenni was gone too.

Now, I was just left with Chiron, Thor, Emo Boy, and Bridgette.

There was silence.


“What in the name of Asgard ducks just happened?"

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