It all started at 3:02

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Max was currently sitting on the roof of her house gazing up at the stars. The night was clear and cold, perfect for the activity. Most of the town around her was asleep, it was 3 Am after all, it was a perfectly reasonable time to be sleeping. However Max is an insomniac, and found her time much was much better placed on the roof stargazing instead of sitting in bed glaring at the ceiling of her bedroom in the attic of her house. 3 Am was a dangerous time of night for Max though, 3Am was when the bullies usually came down her street screeching insults and throwing rocks or anything they could find at her. In fact she could hear them coming now. She now had to make a decision fast, if she acted quickly she could cross her roof and escape into her house, or she could try to stay perfectly still and hope they wouldn't see her. In her indecisiveness the bullies had rounded the corner and spotted her, now neither plan would work, she had no choice but to take what ever the threw at her. 3:02Am
"HEY, STARWATCHER~" she hated the nickname they had given her, if they had been her friends calling her it in a loving way it would be different, but this was horrible, they had made it into an insult that made her cringe every time she heard it. " YOU DEAF STARWATCHER?" They where now under her house grinning up at her like rabid dogs with a cat pinned in a tree. What made Max the most nervous about the situation was they each where holding a baseball bat, they never brought weapons with them, and Max couldn't see any other reason to have a baseball bat at 3 Am. Waiting for the bullies to start throwing things at her Max closed her eyes and put her head in her hands. Big mistake. It took the bully less than a minute to climb the tree next to her house and jump onto her roof with her. Now if she had had her eyes open Max might here been able to run, but they weren't, and the bully easily grabbed her by her hoodie and threw her into her back yard. The breath Max's chest when she hit the ground near where the other bullies had ran to while the third pulled her off the roof. The third bully jumped off the roof behind her and started giggling like a total psycho. They all lifted their bats and Max instinctively curled into a ball protecting her head, or at least trying to. She half expected them not to hurt her, the other half of her was right though. The first hit popped her right arm out of socket the next ones would leave various bruises all over her body. She had lost track of how long, and how many hits there had been when she finally blacked out.

Ok so this is the first of hopefully many updates in this story! I have a lot planned for poor Max. There's gonna be a lot of angst in this story if it continues the way I have it planned, but knowing me I will probably change the story several times between now and the end.

Next update: this time next week if not sooner

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