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Swearing in this chapter just thought I should warn ya this book has been pretty clean so far
     Max locked the door behind Alex, and glanced around her the living room, thankfully she had cleaned it Monday before she went to sleep. She glanced at Alex who was soaking wet, then down at  herself, finding her clothes equally soaked. She looked back at Alex and started laughing, after a second Alex joined in.
"Come to my house we can stay dry  and avoid the storm!" Alex mocked still recovering from her laughter. Max snorted but couldn't wipe the grin off her face. Max rolled her eyes at the playful teasing.
"I'll go get towels."
     Max got back with towels right before another crash of thunder sounded, and surprisingly Alex jumped.
"Wait, are you scared of thunder?" Max asked handing the taller girl a towel
"Pfft, of course not." Alex said taking the towel. Another boom of thunder confirmed Max's suspicion
"That's kind of adorable" Max muttered
"If you want I'll tell you my completely irrational fear." At this Alex raised a eyebrow.
"Ok, tell me, I'm curious now."
"Alright, it's stink bugs." Max said completely serious.
"What?! No way, I was expecting something like, I dunno mice." Alex was trying not to laugh, and failing, starting to laugh again.
     The storm had lasted for the rest of the day and into the night, stopping only a couple of hours ago, yet they where still sitting on Max's couch which they had covered in towels.
    Alex yawned and stood.
"I should go it's nearly 3am"
"Wait" Max stopped her Alex cocked her head to the side confused
" the bullies, they always come around 3am" Max explained
" and if I'm not out there they'll wait till dawn" Alex nodded and sat back down.
    They continued talking for another half hour until someone started furiously banging on the front door. Alex looked at the door then back at Max, who had pulled her knees up to her chest and closed her eyes tightly.
Alex inhaled sharply whipping her head back to the door, Max's fear of the name StarWatcher suddenly made sense. Alex suddenly stood, and Max opened her eyes and shook her head realizing what Alex was about to do.
"Don't" Max whispered
"I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE FUCKER" another shout came from the other side of the door. Alex strode across the room unlocked the door, and ripped it open. Alex stood a solid three inches over the bully shocked that someone had answered the door, she stood with one hand on the door frame the other still on the door knob.
"What. Do. You. Want." Alex growled her rage reflected in her icy blue eyes. The bully finally gathered himself and threw a punch, Alex stepped back and the punch missed her completely. She balled her fists and returned the punch, which connected with the bully's  right cheek bone. He staggered back and swore
"Who the fuck do you think you are?" He snarled, staying just out of Alex's reach.
"I'm A.J"Alex responded smoothly. For the second time a flash of fear registered in his eyes before he lunged at her and tackled her to floor, managing to throw two punches before Alex grabbed his fist and twisted sharply. The bully screeched holding his wrist, and bolted out the still open front door. The coward had ran the second it looked like he wouldn't win the fight. Alex stood gingerly, and Max ran over to her panicking.
" Oh god,  that was fantastic, but never do that again." Max hissed at Alex. Shaking her head Alex walked over to the door and closed it, sliding the deadbolt back shut.
"I had no idea it was that bad"
Max scoffed
"There where, like, four with baseball bats when I got this." Max said gesturing to her black eye, at that Alex's jaw dropped
"Damn, now I wish I had gotten a couple more punches in on him." Max laughed, then she realized she was being serious.
     Even though it was safe for Alex to leave, she ended up staying over, claiming that she wanted to make sure the bully didn't come back. They ended up passing out, exhausted, close to five in the morning, each leaned against an armrest.

Welp 730 words, not bad for me

Next update: some time within the next week

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