The Begining of the End

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Max's  POV(earlier that morning)

    I was trying my best to stay asleep, it had been months since I had slept so well, which was saying  something since I had fallen asleep around five in the morning.
     Then I realized something, my arms where wrapped around someone's waist and my face was pressed into their back. My memory was still fuzzy so I panicked, screamed, and shoved the person away from me. The person was shoved into the back of the couch, and I tumbled to the floor, and rolled on to my back. That's when my memory started to flood back. My face started to heat up and I froze. Alex had shot up at  the sound of my scream and was looking down at me confused.
     "Are you ok?" She asked
     "Uh, yeah," I said nodding
     "Did you have a bad dream?" Alex asked, I nodded again,
     "Yeah?" Oh god why did I say that like a question? She seemed to buy it though and turned away from me again.

(Current time)

I closed the back door behind me and took a deep breath. The first few steps I took where shaky, I really hadn't wanted to return to the forest behind my house after my dream, but Alex suggested it. The farther I went the forest the darker it got, a thick mist had also settled just above the forest floor.
     I was starting to really freak out, my breath catching in my throat. The hairs on the back of my neck suddenly stood on end. I quickly turned to leave, only to gasp and stumble backwards towards the center of the forest. I never got the chance to scream.

Alex POV

     I slammed the stupid journal shut and groaned loudly. After looking through it more times than I could count, I still couldn't find any clues to what StarWatcher was, or what the coded messages said. I stood and began reviewing the notes I had taken. I looked at a set of numbers then my eyes widened, I had suddenly recognized the format they where in. Coordinates, I typed them in my laptop and went to google maps. I zoomed in as far as I could it showed the roof top of a house, I shook my head no, there is no way. The house was Max's I recognized the house across the street that had a million lawn flamingos.  I logged into my email and sent Max an email, 'hey Max I found something you might want to see.' Then sent a screenshot for the google page and the journal page I got the coordinates from. I didn't get an email back that day, or that night. It was a full week before I got the email, but it wasn't what I was expecting all it said was 'we need to talk in person now'


Alright this was the real chapter that I was going to post.
Also trying new POVs 
Welp  tired as balls now so

Next update:tbh no idea

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