Wake up Call

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Alex was woken by someone pushing her, and the sound of a panicked scream. She immediately shot up, finding herself in an unfamiliar house. It took her a moment to remember the last night. She looked down to see Max with her back pressed to the floor, face bright red, and breathing heavily.
"Are you ok?" Alex was slightly concerned for the shorter girl.
" uh, yeah." Max said turning her head to look at her.
" did you have a bad dream or something?"
Max nodded hesitantly,
" yeah?" She said it more like a question. Alex shrugged it off and looked at the clock on the wall across the room, 8:45,
"Oh god," Alex muttered
"What?" Max asked as she stood up awkwardly brushing nonexistent dust off her pants, seemingly having recovered slightly.
"My brothers are probably freaking out right now." Max's eyes widened,
"Of course they would you disappeared for a whole night!"
"No I do this a lot actually, it's just I'm usually home by 7"
Max glanced at the clock then turned back to her
"Still you should go, I'll email you if I find anything out about StarWatcher." Alex nodded and grabbed her laptop from the floor next to the couch.
Max led her to the front door and opened it for her,
"Thanks." Max just nodded and closed the door behind her. The walk home took her fifteen minutes, fifteen minutes to emotionally prepare herself for the natural disaster known as her brothers. She knew that Chris and Michael would freak out on her the second she opened her front door.
She took a deep breath before she turned the doorknob and pushed open the door.
"I'm home!" Alex called hesitantly. Michael slid around the corner in six inch heels, and booty shorts.
"ALEX, do you have any idea how worried we where!?" Michael said walking over to her, stoping directly in front of her.
"Michael, what are you doing in heels, you're six foot five."
"First of all, I look good in these heels, second of all, I look good in these heels, third of all, I look good in these heels, so tell me I don't look good in these heels." He said snapping his fingers. Alex rolled her eyes
     "You look like a male stripper."
      He gasped dramatically at that.
" where's Chris?" She asked deciding to ignore Michael's ridiculous clothes.
"Kitchen." He said turning and strutting back to his room. He was such a drama queen.
"Chris?" Alex called into the seemingly empty kitchen. Chris for some reason was sitting in a cupboard under the counter, so when he slammed the cupboard door and crawled out of it Alex jumped backwards several inches.
"Sup, sis." He said casually, like he hadn't just climbed out of a cupboard.
"Do I even want to know?" Alex muttered
"I'll have you know that I have a perfectly normal reason for being in a cupboard, I just haven't thought of it yet." He said crossing his arms.
     "Is this my punishment for coming home late?" Alex asked face palming,
     "Wait, I forgot to ask you where were you?" Chris asked
     "You usually get home early,"
    Alex shrugged
    "I was at at a friend's house."
     Chris frowned,
    "Which one, did you get into any fights?" He stepped forward worry showing on his face.
    "No I didn't get into any fights" Alex lied, guilt making the bruises on her stomach ache even more,
    "And it was a new friend, you don't need to worry she's way more chill than all my other friends,"
    Chris seemed satisfied and let her go up to her leave without any further questioning. Swinging open the navy blue door to her room she took a deep breath, and stepped into the one place she truly felt safe. Closing the door softly behind her Alex walked over to her desk and set her laptop down. She glanced at the journal sitting on the desk beside her laptop, it was brown leather with etching on its covers. Picking the old book up, Alex started to reread it, now looking deeper, now knowing that if she slipped up she
might not be the only one to suffer.

I'm going to be updating the StarWatcher information book more now that the story has really started.

Also, next chapter will either be really long, or a joke chapter (if I make a joke chapter I will post another real chapter right after I post the joke)

Ok last thing I promise
I have a tumblr now! You can ask the characters questions on there and all sorts of fun stuff involving the story and its characters

Next update: this Friday

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