Night In The Forest

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   The forest around Max was the one that was behind her house, Max knew that. What she didn't know was how she got there.

     Max decided to go back home it was dark, and forests are dangerous at night. Setting off in the direction that Max thought led to her backyard fence, she walked quickly wanted to get out of the forest as fast as she could.  Max couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, maybe it was the fact that she had no idea how she had gotten there causing her nervousness. the longer she was in the forest the more her paranoia grew.

    Glancing around nervously Max almost didn't see it, a pair of glowing silver eyes. The air seemed to drop several degrees the second she saw them, as a thick fog rolled through the trees from the direction of the eyes, which where hovering  in the air eight feet off the ground. At first she thought she was seeing things, hallucinations caused by fear, but then the eyes moved closer revealing the body of the monster the belonged to.

     It had a vaguely wolf like appearance, long dark muzzle with a mouth full of sharp teeth. Pointed ears flattened against it's massive head. Thick light gray fur framed the long black horns that ended with wicked sharp points. It's body was most like a wolf, long limbs ended with large paws, claws digging into the earth underneath it.

    Terror made Max freeze for a split second before she turned and ran for her life. The monster was faster than her though. It ran in front of her, Max backed up until her back hit a tree, the monster following every step. It stopped inches from her face, it's silver eyes gleaming.

     "hello Max, oh don't look so frightened this is just a dream"

     Its voice was inhuman, deeper, raspy. it sounded vaguely amused, pausing to examine her before it continued.

    "I just wanted to warn that next time we meet it might not be a dream, anyway, see you soon."

     It ended the sentence with mock cheerfulness, grinning at her before it turned away from her and walked back into the depths of the forest, disappearing into the tees in a matter of seconds. Max woke in a cold sweat. she was in her bed, it was just a dream, she swung her legs over the side of the bed, stood shakily and went down stairs to get a glass of water, making it a point not to look out any windows facing the forest.

I wrote half of this on an actual computer instead of my tiny iPod because I was home alone and didn't have to worry about my parents seeing it

Next update: this time next week (hopefully, I don't have a draft for chapter 4 yet though, so it might be late)

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