"We should of stayed in bed"

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It's short.. but still sad. I'll try and get longer ones out soon but this was just a start, enjoy loves xo


We were on borrowed time but that was to be expected.. I'm grateful that we at least get to see each other before the feud between our two sides spilt us apart.

W A N D A     POV
I lay in the crisp white sheets of the apartment building savouring the warmth that enclosed me. Even without Vision laying next to me I still felt rather warm so that was a bonus. My boyfriend who happens to be an android stood staring out of the window, watching the cold wind blow the leave of the trees outside around.

"Wanda would you care for a walk?" He asked his smooth British accent flowing though the silence that was the room.

My hand in his we trudged out into the cold of the night, taking in all the sights, smells and overall the atmosphere of Edinburgh.

My face flushed pick with the cold and the top of my nose blush I looked up at my lover. Vision was now in his human form, one I had grown accustomed too over time.

The stone a top of his head still giving out a faint glow even with the cover of looking human. I never wanted him to leave. On the night he wasn't here I felt alone and often had nightmares of my parents, Pietro and everything else.

His stone had been bothering him for weeks now. Every time we saw each other he would ask me what I felt. The feeling was growing stronger and I couldn't lie I was worried. He claimed it was a warning.

After some hushed squabbling about not wanting to leave each other my attention was turned to the screen behind him. A attack, it showed Tony and the kid, Parker fighting some ridiculous aliens. Oh god this wasn't good.

"This is what the stone was warning me about, I have to go" the voice that was always there for me said, the voice that calmed me down on night of waking up screaming, the voice that could make me blush by just saying my name.

The undying love I had for him, I couldn't put it into words. A flash behind us. No. I wouldn't let anything touch my love, I would protect him, us.

If only I knew what was to come, I would of at least tried to mentally prepare myself for the one hell of a roller coaster about to come.


Hope it want too bad for a start!! I'll be updating soonish! Thanks for reading, much appreciated <3 please don't forget to comment, request and vote!

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