Summer Series #1 -Day At The beach

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Hi everyone! It's Jess here and I'm gonna be starting a summer series based on the prompts above ^^^! The ones that are crossed out are either something that I would struggle to write as Scarletvision or something doesn't interest me. So get ready for some summer filled chapters 🙈💓.

"Come on Vision!" We're going to be late Wanda shrieked dragging the poor android through the door. Tony had talked them into spending the day at the beach and to be honest Wanda was probably the most excited.

Growing up in Skovia she never had the chance to go to the beach and therefore this would be her first time. She was accompanied by her new family and her boyfriend, Vision.

Wanda and Natasha had prior gone shopping for everything they needed. Taking Starks credit card they kitted themselves out with new swimsuits, beach toys and things to have an awesome day.

Wanda could smell the Ocean as they drove closer to the sand and sea. She had her head out of the window looking at the crystal blue waters and soft sand.

She jumped out of the car and kicked off her shoes as fast as possible. Laying her towel on the ground and shrugging off her loose dress she ran straight to the ocean.

The cool water hit her legs and she shrieked. "IS IT MEANT TO BE THIS COLD?!" Wanda screamed as Steve and Bucky ran up behind her.

"Duh Wanda, it's the Ocean" Steve rolled his eyes and pushed her over. The salt water soaked her hair and she spluttered to the surface. Wanda lunged at Steve and managed to push him into Bucky who pushed him under. They were all laughing so hard they didn't notice Nat and Tony come up behind them and push them all over.

After playing around in the ocean for about an hour Wanda noticed Vision wasn't with them. She looked back at the shore and saw him floating near their stuff. Walking back into the land she called to him.

"Vision why aren't you in the water? It's amazing!" She chuckled and raced over to drag him into the water. 

"Wanda dear, I'm a robot. I may be waterproof but not for long periods of time and I didn't want to ruin your fun" Vision smiles and dropped her hand.

Wanda just blinked at him as she realised. "Well, in that case, I'm staying here with you, you're going to help me build a sand castle" she laughed.

That afternoon was spent in an intense sandcastle building contest, Wanda and Vision won of course. We won't count the fact Wanda kicked everyone else's over so they could win.

That night Wanda washed the salt out of her hair and walked over to a shelf in her room. She placed the heart-shaped shell Vision had got her next to the trinkets from their other adventures.

What did you guys think of this? Should I continue with the summer theme? Maybe mix a few other ones here and there? Let me know, don't forgot to vote and comment, I love you all 💖💖
(ps it was my birthday today and I got the Civil War and AoU Wanda pop figures, I'm so pumped)

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