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Some of the places they went were cold, sometimes when they went outside Wanda would wrap herself in jumpers so big they could fit 3 of her. She would top that off with a beanie and scarf, no matter what she would wear Vision always thought she looked beautiful. 

There was one time they were staying in a small part of Scotland. Their visits never went longer than a week with at least a fortnight in between. They couldn't risk being found. During the last few days of their stay, Wanda and Vision decided to bare the cold and go outside for some much needed fresh air. Wanda found herself in 4 layers of cold and still freezing. She didn't want to spoil Visions fun by asking to go back inside so she decided to suck it up. After about an hour of Vision roaming around the gardens Wanda's teeth chattered and her body felt numb with the cold.

"Wanda dear? Would you care for some hot food? You seem very cold, we can go back inside if you want" Wanda just looked her lover in the eyes, her body was so cold she could barely speak. Vision wrapped his arms around the frail girl and pulled her in for a hug. Wanda's body erupted with heat as she leant into his chest. 

That night Wanda lay curled in bed with her lover. she sipped her soup and cuddled deeper into him. "I'm much warmer now, thank you" she smirked. 

Another time they had decided to meet in Australia, Wanda was overjoyed that she could tick this place off her list too. She had heard that it was meant to be extremely hot there, so naturally, she was shocked when she stepped off the plane to be greeted by cold winds and light rain.

"I thought Australia was meant to be warm" Wanda explained to Vision as they walked hand in hand through the airport. Vision just shrugged his shoulders and continued on. Once in a taxi and heading to the hotel Wanda put on her best American accent and spoke, "excuse me Mr Taxi Driver Sir but we thought Australia was meant to be warm." the taxi driver just gave a laugh.

"Oh dear, guess you've never been to Melbourne then, here its raining one minute then it's 30 degrees and you're getting sunburnt the next." he laughed. Wanda and Vision exchanged confused looks and laughed along with this guy. Let's just say that night the heat was on full blast and the two cuddled as close as they could, the blankets pulled tightly around them and content smiles on their faces. 

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