Summer Series #2 - Sunburn

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Wanda awoke with a start, her skin felt like it was burning and it was incredibly itchy. She pulled her arms out from the stifling covers to find them red with little bits of skin flaking off. She was sunburnt. 

"Wanda darling, did you remember sunscreen yesterday?" Vision asked as she pulled herself up to the kitchen table. She wore loose clothes and everything hurt. Wanda looked at Vision shaking her head and sighing, she had been in such a rush she had forgotten.

Vision placed a hand on her shoulder, she hissed in pain. "Vihz sorry, it really hurts. I feel like I'm burning" She sulked. Wanda knew this was her own fault but it hurt so bad. 

Throughout the day Vision tried to cheer her up, bringing her things to cool down with, sunburn creams and at one point using his built-in aircon to blow cold air on her. When it came to night Vision had laid down with Wanda and it ended with Wanda yelping in pain because of the contact. 

The next morning even more of her arms, legs, face and back were peeling. Vision tried not to laugh when she pulled on a loose red top that blended in with her skin. She sat on her bed as he rubbed lotion on her painful skin, by the end she had tears in her eyes because the pain was that bad. There wasn't much he could do for Wanda expect to repeat the actions of yesterday. 

Wanda received lots of laughs and lectures from the rest of the team that day, With Tony calling her tomato and Nat slapping her on the back, trying to make it look like an accident. By the end of that day, Wanda couldn't take much more. Her skin burned and if it came into contact with anything she would hiss and it felt like all the pain rushed to that one spot. She was an Avenger she shouldn't be in this much pain, well she was an Avenger with sunburn.

Wanda had been trying to sleep for at least 2 hours now but the sheets felt like they were sticking to her skin and peeling off every time she moved. Letting out a groan she flipped to face her boyfriend. "Wanda dear, would you like me to turn my cooling systems on and you can sleep on me?" he asked stuttering at the last part. Wanda's eyes widened like plates and she nodded her head, hoping for some relief.

Climbing on top of him the sensation of the cool metal soothered her instantly, letting out a sigh she curled onto Vision. Maybe being sunburnt wasn't going to be that bad after all.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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