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Wanda Maximoff suffered anxiety, there was no doubt about it. Everyone could see it, sometimes when they were on missions she would have to take time out to comfort herself and steady her breathing. Other times she would stay locked in her room for days at a time because she thought that she disappointed the team or something along those lines.

Tony had understood this more then anyone on the team, therefore, he was the one they called on when Wanda was struggling to breathe and shaking like a leaf in the corner of a room. He always did his best to get the girl back to her usual cheery self, but sometimes not even him could calm her. 

Then Vision came into the picture, they had grown close since Wanda losing Peitro. Late nights and early mornings he was there to calm her down after long painful nightmares. Whenever Vision was around Wanda felt safer and happier, there was something about the way he held her and whispered loving things or the way his skin was meant to be cold but instead warm and comforted her. 

So one day when Wanda was out on a mission with the team and she felt the anxiety craw up she knew she had to find him. They were under heavy fire from a Hydra base and she could feel her and Nat getting pushed back into a corner with every minute that ticked by. 

Her hex floated in and out of soldiers knocking them unconscious but when she turned to see Nat had taken a hit to the shoulder panic erupted in her. Nat kept fighting and visually seemed fine but Wanda knew it had been her fault. She should have done more to protect her, Wanda felt the blood rush from her skin and her hands go clammy with sweat. 

Nat saw the panic on the girls faced and spoke into her com, "Vision we need you, Wanda not doing so good". Vision floated as fast as his android body could carry him and rushed to Wanda's aid. 

After the mission Wanda had calmed down but still clung to Vision, he didn't mind. They sat at the back of the jet for some privacy, that was one of the worse parts of the Quinjet. There was absolutely no privacy on that bloody plane.

Wanda huddled into Visions metal chest and tried to contain the remaining shakes. She had messed everything up for everyone. Natasha been bandaged up and was completely fine except for the dull pain buzzing in her shoulder. 

"Wanda you know it's not your fault" Vision coed, Wanda just stared up at him. "I can see you think it is and know it's not, the whole team, myself included love you. No one blames you at all, necessary Nat. You did so much to help take down the soldiers in there and for that they thank you". 

Wanda let out a content sigh and whispered thanks to him. After that Nat came over to reassure her that she was the fine Wanda drifted into a light sleep. Unaware that while she slept her teammates were taking pictures of her curled around the android.  

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