Zoo Day

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A nice calm, fluffy one-shot to heal down broken hearts

Vision was completely obsessed with learning everything about the human kind. Some days he would lay in bed reading old medical books to learn about flesh and bones. Other days he would watch documentaries on anything and everything. Sometimes when he just couldn't make something out he'd ask Wanda for help.

"Wanda dear, what is a Elephant?" Vision asked out of the blue one day. They were sitting in a cosy hotel room, Wanda almost spat out her tea with laughter.

"Why on Earth do you ask that" she replied back, her accent still showing through her words. Vision simply just pointed at the page he was reading and smiled, a cute and clueless smile.

Wanda tried to contain her laughter as her robotic boyfriend stood there looking confused at the giant land mammal. "If you really want we can go to the zoo today, I didn't see why not" she asked.

Visions smile was so wide she was almost completely sure he was a 3 year old. Oh wait he was. They both got dressed into clothes for the day, making sure to conceal their identities.

Upon reaching the Zoo Wanda prayed they had elephants otherwise Vision would be surely disappointed.

"Look at the way their ears flap, and the way the babies hold onto the older ones tails" Vision exclaimed obviously overjoyed with seeing all the animals.

When Vision was done looking at the elephants   (he stayed there for a good 20 minuets) he followed Wanda to a big circle that held many stands and trucks. She had called it a food court.

Wanda bought herself a bowl of fries and sat down on one of the park benches to eat. Vision sat next to her and eyed the food. Wanda raised an eyebrow at the Android asking if he wanted any.

"Oh no Wanda, you know I don't eat but I'm just wondering if we may see any of the other animals". Wanda laughed and threw some birds a chip.

"Of course Visz, we've already seen the big cats, the elephants, zebras and birds but how about we look at the reptiles before we leave?"

By the end of the day Wanda's legs hurt from walking but Visions wide smile made up for that. Not only had they stoped to look at the snakes and lizards but somehow ended up looking at every other animal the zoo had to offer.

"Thank you for taking me here Wanda, it's much appreciated and I genuinely enjoyed myself" Vision smiled. Wanda was driving back to the hotel, she awaited being able to just fall back into bed.

When they arrived home and changed into sleep clothes she was surprised to see Vision on the laptop. She peered over his shoulder and read his search bar "aquariums near me".
Lol Visz, comment down below some ideas for new chapters!

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