The ABC Game because The GazettE was Bored for the First 30 Minutes

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Title: The ABC Game because The GazettE was Bored for the First 30 Minutes (Or Alphabet Game...)

Description: The GazettE band was at the studio just sitting there. It was too hot to be practice for 3 whole hours. So, they played the Alphabet game to end their bordem.

A/N: LOL!!! I wanna see this happen in actual life. I can imagine it now.


The GazettE band arrived at the studio at 8:30am and noticed that their manager was running late. Of course their manager would expect them to at least practice for 3 hours, but it was too hot. When they went inside the record room, Uruha put on the ceiling fan to cool them down. The central air conditioner was out of order because of a leak inside it that can cause a fire in the studio.

"I got an idea..." Uruha spoke up. Everyone sat up and put their attention on Uruha who was lying his head on Aoi's shoulder.

"What?" Ruki said examining his nails checking to make sure they wouldn't chip.

"Let's play the English alphabet game." Uruha suggested. Everyone agreed to the suggestion. Playing this game will help them speak English a little better than what they can now. I mean, their English is already acceptable enough for people to understand, but their accents makes it a teeny bit not understandable.

Ruki started the game with a word that starts with the letter A.

"Acatalepsy." Ruki said. Reita said the next word with the letter B.

"Banana." Reita said and smiled. Uruha was next.

"Catapult." Uruha said. Next, Aoi.

"Dinosaur!" Aoi said happily. Next, Kai.

"End." Kai said. Next, Ruki and so on...

"Federal." Says Ruki.

"Gore." Reita spoke.

"Hospital." Uruha said and looked at his arm and scratched it.

"Ice-cream!!" Aoi said and daydreamed of ice-cream.

"Jack-o-lantern." Says Kai.

"Kana." Ruki says.

"Labiomancy." Reita says. Everyone looked at Reita.

"What does that even mean?" Kai asked.

"Lip reading..." Reita replied. They all nodded and Uruha came up next.

"Manipulate..." Uruha said and glanced at Aoi.

"Navel..." Aoi said and pulled his shirt up to look at his navel and poked it.

"Opposite." Kai said.

"Pacifist." Says Ruki.

"Quilt..." Reita said.

"Radical." Uruha said.

"Sex." Aoi says. They all looked at Aoi.

"Such pervert..." Reita said.

"Not that 'sex' ass hole. Gender sex." Aoi said and rolled his eyes.

"Tectonic." Kai said.

"Uncertain." Says Ruki.

"Venomous." Reita says.

"Waltz." Uruha said.

"Xylophone." Says Aoi.

"Yarn." Kai said.

"Zirconium." Ruki said and stood up to bow since he ended the game.

"Let's give a round of applause for Ruki." Kai said and clapped. Ruki sat down.

"I'm smart...." Ruki said under his breath.


A/N: This was somewhat funny. LOL!!! I wanna play Alphabet game now...

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