Inside Beast

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Title: Inside Beast

Pairing: Reituki <3

Description: After the Inside Beast PV shooting, Ruki kinda seduced Reita in bed with the black and white polka-dotted outfit and his makeup.

A/N: Reita's gonna erase the dirty beast inside of Ruki. Heuheuheu. Lol! Hah!! But anyway... I'm so freaking mad at my sister for what she did.

Listening to-- of course Inside Beast.


The Inside Beast PV shooting was finished. The GazettE's manager had commanded everyone to exit out of their costumes and put on their regular clothing. Ruki refused.

"Ruki, you have to." Their manager said.

"Just this once please! I love this polka dot outfit. I like how this fits on me." Ruki said and smiled. The black and white polka dot pants were a bit tight on Ruki's lower body, but he liked it.

"Fine! But you give it back to me tomorrow so I can hang it up." The manager said and left wherever they shot the video. the guys followed and went to their own destination. Ruki drove home. As he arrived there, he was greeted by his neighbor that was 3 years older than Ruki. His name was Maki.

"Hello Maki!" Ruki said and hugged his neighbor.

"Hey Ruki. What's up with the get-up?" Maki asked smirking at Ruki's outfit.

"Oh! I had a PV shoot today. So I had to wear this outfit and I wanted to keep it on. You like?" Ruki asked.

"Yeah. It's sexy on you. Oops! Gotta go! see ya 'round Ruki." Maki ran down the street. Ruki waved and entered his own household, also being greeted by his dog Koron.

"Hello!" Ruki said as he picked up the puppy. "You miss daddy? Hmm? I missed you too baby." Ruki sat the dog down on the floor and went upstairs. His iPhone began ringing in his Gucci handbag.

"Yo." he answered.

"I'm coming over." Reita asked on the line.

"Uhhhh..... is that a command or question?" Ruki asked.

"Command." Reita hung up with that.

That was harsh... Ruki thought. He sat down on his couch, waiting for the door bell to ring or the door to knock. But he wanted to do something weird. He decided to take some selfies of him in his outfit. Cute selfies at that. He also looked at the picture from the photo shoot. He was sitting on his knees on the bed that was covered with red blankets. He had the polka dot outfit on and his left hand was between his legs and his right hand covered his mouth. His red make up eye shadow surrounded his eye lids along with the black eye shadow. His blonde hair was straightened and the red lipstick was painted on his lips to make them look fuller. It was a sight that no one was able to take their eyes off of.

Ding dong!

Ruki stood up to get the door. Once he opened it, Reita's eyes widened. He was a bit frozen but held the box of pizza he was holding tightly in his hands.

"Hah! what's wrong?" Ruki asked putting a hand on his hips.

"Ummm.... You.... your...." Reita couldn't even speak. Didn't I tell you no one can take their eyes off of him?

"Oooh... my outfit? You like it?" Ruki asked and smiled.

"Yes." Reita smiled back and entered inside Ruki's home. He sat the pizza on the white dining room table, then, stood in front of Ruki.

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