Title: Just Friends . . . But Turns Into Something Else
Pairing: Reituki
Description: Reita takes Ruki out to lunch and Ruki invites Reita over for dinner. When Reita asked Ruki could he spend the night just to spend more time, things start to turn around......
Genre: Smut (may include some "ehem")
A/N: This popped up in my mind when I was chatting with my friend (I call her Reita and she calls me Ruki.... DON'T THINK DIRTY THOUGH!)
Reita sat at his house playing with his cockateils, Keiji and Oscar. He was sipping his afternoon wine and forgot to do something for Ruki. The other day, Ruki had bought Reita a new bass guitar because the one Reita had before was broken, so, he wants to repay Ruki with a friendly lunch date. He grabbed his iPhone from next to him and dialed in Ruki's cell number.
"Hello?" Ruki answered. His voice was a bit scratchy from a nap.
"Hey, Ruki? Do you wanna go to lunch?" Reita asked and smiled at himself.
"Lunch? Where?" Ruki said with a high pitch screech that no one knew he could do with such a deep voice.
"The your favorite cafe that is downtown. I wanted to thank you for that bass and so I decided to have a friendly lunch date with you." Reita responded and examined his nails.
"OMG I would love to go. What time are we going?" Ruki asked and smiled on the other line.
"Etto . . . Now?" Reita chuckled and heard Ruki giggle on the other line.
"Okay. See you in like . . . 20 minutes, Rei-chan." Ruki hung up the phone and Reita took a big sigh. He grabbed his sneakers and slipped them on his feet.
Ruki, per contra, wasn't even finished dressing yet. He just got finished brushing his teeth and showering. He was picking out his perfect outfit. He chose a pair of black skin tight jeans with glitter on them and a black see-through shirt. He grabbed his knee boots and slipped those on. He went to his hair station in his room and styled his bang over his eyes and curled his hair, applied eyeliner, and grabbed his lipgloss, put that on his lips, and put eyeliner on the outline of his lips and smudged it together. He put on his earrings and grabbed his handbag, phone and fed his dog, Koron, who was in the kitchen barking.
"I'm gonna feed you Koron-chan." Ruki smiled at his dog and poured food in his bowl. There was a knock at the door. Ruki walked over to it and looked through the peep hole, standing on his tippy-toes. It was Reita. Ruki opened the door and smiled. His white teeth shining in the sunlight. Reita loved to see that wonderful smile of Ruki. It brightened up his day. "Didn't know I was picking you up, ne?" Reita spoke, breaking the silence.
"Heh.... no. Not really. I was gonna catch the train." Ruki shrugged.
"The train is unsafe. Especially for you. Some guy was sexually harassed the other day. He was a teen though." Reita kept a straight face.
"Oh... that's sad." Ruki sighed and frowned.
"But look on the bright side, the guy reported it to the police and now those perverts are arrested. But still not safe. You're riding with me. Let's skidaddle." Reita grabbed Ruki's wrist and pulled him out the door.
"Wait! I gotta lock my door." Ruki was released from Reita's hold and locked his door. "Impatient much?"
"I'm hungry." Reita pouted playfully.

FanfictionREITUKI AND AOIHA!!!! DONT FORGET ABOUT KAIONNAISE OR JUST KAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is for people who likes Yaoi only!!!!