Love Me Harder

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Title: Love Me Harder

Pairing: Reituki again . . .

Description: Ruki found a song by Ariana Grande called Love Me Harder and he starts to sing it to Reita along with the music. Reita slightly gets annoyed but instead he starts to enjoy it as Ruki sang along with it and the beat of the song, which was quite sexy and it reminded him of their relationship.

A/N: I listened to this song and I was like, "REITUKI!!!" Please listen to the song that I linked above. Thank you. :) Btw: This'll also be a conversation or RP thingy like I did on the previous one shot. Please enjoy. ;)


Ruki and Reita sat in the house (Ruki's house) on a Saturday night. Ruki was playing the United States radio. He turned on to a pop station (unintentionally) and heard a song by Ariana Grande called "Love me harder". As he listened to it, he smiled and felt a blush creep his face knowing what the song might be about.

Days later, he finally downloaded the song into his iPhone. He put on his ear buds and turned the song on as he sat next to Reita in the studio alone.

Ruki: Tell me something I need to know; Then take my breath and never let it go; If you just let me invade your space; I'll take the pleasure, take it with the pain . . .

Reita: Ruki, what are you singing?

Ruki: And if in the moment I bite my lip; Baby, in that moment you'll know this is; Something bigger than us and beyond bliss; Give me a reason to believe it.

Reita: Ruki . . . Please . . . Stop singing that song.

Ruki: 'Cause if you wanna keep me, you gotta gotta gotta gotta got to love me harder. And if you really need me, you gotta gotta gotta gotta got to love me harder . . .

Reita: Doodoo Doodoo Doodoo doodoodoo.

Ruki: Love me love me love . . .

Reita: Doodoo Doodoo Doodoo doodoodoo.

Ruki: Harder harder harder . . .

*Reita takes a deep sigh and shrugged. Ruki unplugged his ear buds and paused the song. He walked over to a speaker and plugged in his phone to the speaker and turned up the volume.*

Ruki: The next part of the song is you dedicated to me. Hehe . . . *Ruki smiled and turned on the music*

Reita: Err . . . Okay.

Ruki: I know your motives and you know mine; The ones that love me, I tend to leave behind; If you know about me and choose to stay; Then take this pleasure and take it with the pain

And if in the moment you bite your lip; When I get you moaning you know it's real; Can you feel the pressure between your hips?; I'll make it feel like the first time . . .

Reita: I like this song now. *reita smirked as he watched Ruki sing and move his hips to the beat of the song.*

Ruki: 'Cause if you wanna keep me, you gotta gotta gotta gotta got to love me harder. And if you really need me, you gotta gotta gotta gotta got to love me harder . . .

*Reita stands up and turns off the song.*

Ruki: Hey!! Why'd you do that?!

Reita: Listen . . . *Reita moves in front of Ruki, facing him, and made Ruki's arms wrap around his (Reita) neck and Reita laid his hands on Ruki's waist.*

Ruki: *blushes* What are you doing?

Reita: Ruki, I want you, love you, and want to keep you, and I need you . . . Without you, I probably wouldn't be as happy as I am right now.

Ruki: Awww rei-chan, but you gotta love me harder if you want me, or need me. *bites lower lip*

Reita: Is that supposed to me that I have to try harder?

Ruki: Psh . . . No. *leans up to kiss Reita.*

Reita: I love you, my little Chibi-Diva-Fashionista-sexy-Sweet-Cakes.

Ruki: Haha!! I love you too, my badass-strong-sexy-no nose-honey!

*Reita and Ruki laughs and they kiss each other passionately. Uruha and the rest of the guys walked in and chuckled.*

Uruha: Well then . . .

Ruki: *Flips middle finger at Uruha as he continued kissing Reita.*

Aoi: I'm going . . . To the bathroom. C'mon Uru-Ducky. *grabs Uruha's hand*

Kai: . . .

Authors Note:

I didn't want to put in all the lyrics to that song, but I hope yall listened to it. If not . . . HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO KNOW HOW THE SONG GOES AND HOW DID RUKI SING IT?!!!! Lol! Hope yall enjoyed.

Any typos????????????

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