The Birth of Venus

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November 2012

"Call Harry, Mum," Ethan said for at least the fifth time since they had been on the phone. Jo was at a loss. Colin had backed out on his visitation again, leaving her in a lurch. And she just knew it was to go to the University dinner she had to attend as well so he could kiss his department heads ass. Because his time was more valuable that hers and Zoe was more her responsibility. But that wasn't her current worry.

Jo sighed, but she knew she was being unreasonable. She needed a babysitter; sh had to attend this dinner. The new baby went a long way as her excuse for missing work events that she was expected to attend.  But with Zoe nearing one, her excuses had run out. It was bad enough she was a female professor, but she had fallen for a colleague, albeit in another department, and then promptly had a baby. It was a good thing she had a long history of nurturing students and was a great instructor, or Jo may have been back teaching in secondary school. She had made some great choices in her life, and she counted Zoe as one of them, but she may have been ill timed career-wise.

Jo had to attend this thing, and she needed somebody last minute. Harry was the logical choice, but she couldn't bring herself to face him. She had stayed upstairs with Zoe while the boys ate flakes for breakfast, and waited until Harry left to come down. She was sure that if he looked at her he would know, how she felt that night with her hands in her knickers, his face in her mind, his name on her lips. He'd know, or she might burst into flames, or both. So now Jo was tossing excuses like darts at the bullseye.

"He's only met Zoe the once, and that was three months ago. She probably won't be comfortable."

She heard Ethan sigh down the phone line. "Mum, same could be said for me. If I was there, would you hesitate to leave her with me?"

"You're her brother," Jo said surely.

"Yeah, and Harry was 1000 times better with her than me. Loads more experience. Zoe loved him."

Jo nodded. "Isn't it weird that he babysits so much? He's a boy?" She was rolling her eyes at her own excuse. In her head the word hypocrite rang loud, she was fighting sexism at work and here she was making a comment like that

"That's sexist, mum!" Ethan interrupted her thoughts. Jo knew that.

"Ughhhh, I'll call Harry." She had no more excuses and she needed to get into her dress. It was deep blue, basically black, it was also from some dance when she was much younger, but it had fit and was back in style. It also made her feel better about seeing her ex if she was back to fighting shape in a dress from her 20's. Plus saved her cash and a trip to the shops. She had better not touch Zoe once it was on. She needed back-up, sooner rather than later.

"I hope he can do it and be here soon. I need a hand."

Ethan laughed. "He should be there in like five minutes. I texted him before you started giving me stupid excuses. Get ready, Mum." Her boy was too smart for his own good.

"If you were younger I'd give you sassy sauce!" Jo mock threatened.

"That stopped working when I was 10 and realized I liked the taste of apple cider vinegar Mum."

"Well then, I'd take away your phone." Grasping at those straws, she was. She knew it was silly to chastise him for being right when she was being foolish, embarrassed. Ethan didn't exactly know her motivation and Jo very much wanted it to stay that way.

"Piss off, Mum. I say that with all respect." And he laughed and hung up on her.

She wanted to smack him upside the head and say hallelujah because he was such a delight, it was so nice that he was nearing an age where they could be friends. They were nearly there. It was just around the corner. He'd graduate from uni, and maybe move home until he found his feet, but then they could be mates as well as mother and son. She liked him, the person she had made. What a gift that was.

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