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"What time is this senior awards thing I'm supposed to be at?" Harry sat on the side of the bed finger combing his long, bedraggled hair. He'd been adorning her bed for months now, and his hair was only getting longer, and Jo was sure other people noticed and fawned over it too, but she wouldn't know.

Since that weekend when they had simmered in tension-stew with Ethan, they had hunkered down, much attention had been paid to their foxhole, but not the no mamma land beyond it. Harry rarely eve came to her office anymore. Jo still advised him, well, painted with him, cheerleaded for him and championed him, but it was done in his studio or hers.

But tonight it would be done publicly. Well, she had laid the groundwork for his praise, but she would not be publicly adoring him. At least she hoped not. The softness of her eyes would have to be hidden behind winged eyeliner and academic pride.

"You mean the show where your art is being highlighted and shown to the entire university faculty before it goes on to be a feature in the library for the whole community to enjoy?" Jo stepped up to where he sat with nerves radiating off of him. She felt so proud and a bit confused. "You seem really unsure, baby? This is an honor. There were only a few students picked. I didn't know you were prone to fits of nerves."

"I just really don't like being the center of attention." He blew out a breath and she liked the way it felt on her nipples. She wondered if he was also concerned about being out and near each other like she was.

Distraction, she wanted them both to go into tonight in high spirits and focused on his greatness and potential.

Jo pulled Harry's chin up, "You know you cause a stir right? That you draw eyes in every room you enter? You're a candle, lover. You light up the dark. Own that." She was caressing his chin and remembering his stubble over her shoulder while she brushed her teeth lots of nights before bed. It was just thick enough to tickle, but not so much it hurt.

"I mean, I kinda notice that, but it's easy enough to blend in or ignore it, it's different when a room of people in posh dress stare at me and I have to talk. I hope I don't have to go first," he groaned and put his head against her chest.

"I think you're last." She knew he was, she had seen the program and he was winning the Senior Achievement Award. She had put him up for it, against Profesor McStruppins advisee. She hadn't had to push very hard. He won easily, but she couldn't tell him that. She also wanted to see his face when he won, surprise and pleasure.

Jo was feeling a little bit of her own nerves. She felt like a proud wife going into this and she was trying to figure out how to keep the love out of her eyes so that she just looked like a proud mentor. They had done a fairly good job of staying away from each other at school since Professor McStruppin's clear and curious interest. There had been a few slips where Harry had stopped by her office, or they had seen each other in the cafe and had had to make small talk, but they'd done a good job of keeping their cards to their vests. This would be the first time they were in the same place as Victoria and her other colleagues since their relationship status had changed. That was not to say that there had been an official conversation where they had decided to be boyfriend and girlfriend. Harry, however, spent most of his nights in Jo's bed and she frequented his red studio, when he was looking for inspiration or had found some, or when her bones were alight and she needed to be gilded to cool down.

Their relationship was private, close to the skin, underneath clothes. Like Harry's new tattoo. The little heart cracked in two, ready to fuse with the half he had given her. Private, special, and lovely. The etching had meaning to her and him and them. His heart resided within her and they brought a new day to each other every morning they got to wake up together. She loved it, though she teased him about it. Though Jo wanted to be beneath his skin, being on it, forever would do.

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