Tension in Red

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"Mum, you look like you've seen a ghost, but not a hair brush- obviously." Ethan laughed, plucking at the ends of the hair Harry had recently yanked and gathered into his fist when she woke him up with her mouth to continue celebrating while the dawn broke. She imagined the ottoman hadn't done it much good either.

"Um," she scrambled, "I treated myself to a lie in. Even had Audrey keep Zoe so I could really treat myself in my old age." The lie seemed plausible and Jo was scrambling to come up with a reason that she was disheveled so so late in the day along with Zoe's absence.

She decided to leave the shirt comment flat on the ground where it fell.

"Oh, not so easy chasing that one around. So you reckon it's because I was your favorite or because you're are so much older now? What's it, 43 today?"

"Shut up you, let me go get your sister and I'll come back and put some waffles on."

"Nope, I'm making breakfast. It was somebodies birthday last night. Theoretically the birthday girl, and I use that term loosely, should be relieved of duty. It sounds like you did a good job of that yourself, though. But I can make breakfast. I'll keep the cooking minimal to protect the kitchen." He looked at her curiously. "Is anybody else here, Mum?"

Jo's head came up like a taut rubber band beyond its limits and she wished the whites of her eyes were less exposed. "What?" Came out on a gasp, and she was so damn thankful that they had spent the night at Harry's, thankful, but ashamed.

"You just have that look about you, like you had a lovely night. And you're still a bit golden mom." Ethan shrugged and Jo looked at her hands to see if he meant literally and was thankful that Harry was the one who had used the gold paint last night, that her color choices had been less metallic.  That made her pause before her escape.

"Um, no, no one has been here?" She heard the question in her voice and wanted to slap herself silly. She had decided to tell him, right? This was an opportunity. "Not last night," why was this so difficult? He had told her about a relationship and guessed at hers and called her out a couple of times.

Jo knew she couldn't come clean, that there was not a way to pass through the water and come up to acceptance, but she could be a little honest. She could tell him some of the truth.

Was it manipulative to tell him bits of the story and hope that when he knew everything it made him feel sympathetic?

Ethan had commented multiple times that she looked happy, was glowing, and that was down to Harry in her life. He squared her shoulders and cubed her heart. That was huge and Jo had started to convince herself that they could have more, maybe a future after some leaden conversations.

For that to happen though, Ethan had to accept them. The rest of it would work itself out with time. Harry would be out of university soon, so that danger would be passed. Four months or so and Victoria Mcstruppins could stuff her supposed concern, faux bonding, and veiled threats.

Jo didn't reckon she'd start bringing Harry as her plus one to university events for years, but they could be a little freer in their village. Though Anne was a concern there. Harry seemed keen on telling her and hopeful for her acceptance.

The bottleneck was Ethan, and Jo had some foundation to lay there. May as well start now.

"Mum?" Ethan caught her attention from her rabbit hole.

"Sorry, um, I was in wonderland." She sucked in oxygen and hoped some courage came with it. "So, I was really happy to hear about your love the other day, and I had something to share with you, but didn't get a chance to." Jo realized she was ringing her hands.

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