JACKlyn🥧: is your face McDonalds? Cause I'm lovin' it😉
You don't even know what I look like lmao: LAyLA 🥧
Plus that's the cheesiest pickup line ever 😂: LAyLA🥧
JACKlyn🥧: Ok fine how ab this one
JACKlyn🥧: you are hotter than the bottom of my laptop 🙃
Nope on a scale from 1-10 I'd give that one maybe a -3 and that's being generous:LAyLA 🥧
JACKlyn🥧: Are you a parking ticket? Cause you got fine written all over you.
Um, F boi much?😂🤔:LAyLA🥧
JACKlyn🥧:sorry that was pretty F boyish
JACKlyn🥧:Are you the square root of -1, cause you can't be real😬
Actually, I'm the square root of 9 thanks for wondering :LAyLA🥧
JACKlyn🥧: are you a Disney princess? cause your CinderHELLA fine😏
JACKlyn🥧: How ab this one
JACKlyn🥧: Damn girl is your name wifi? Cause I'm feelin' a connection😉
Lmfao are u looking these up on g00gle? 😂 :LAyLA 🥧
JACKlyn🥧: no...
JACKlyn🥧: Baby you make palms sweaty, knees weak, arms spaghetti.
🍝: LAyLA 🥧
JACKlyn🥧: are you From Tennessee?cause ur the only ten I see
I'm actually 100% sure I heard that one on a Disney channel show 😂:LAyLA🥧
JACKlyn🥧:Ok one more
JACKlyn🥧: are you a time traveler? Because I see you in my future🤷🏻♂️
You're improving but let the master show u how it's DoNe: LAyLA 🥧
Is your name dunkin? Because I donut want to spend another day without you
😉 :LAyLA🥧JACKlyn🥧:woah I now bow down to the master 🙇
Thank you thank you 🙃:LAyLA🥧
So wyd?:LAyLA🥧
JACKlyn🥧: Nothing much I'm just packing 😕
Why are you packing, Vacation?:LAyLA🥧
JACKlyn 🥧: I'm moving tomorrow sadly
Aw ig I won't keep you from packing gn :LAyLA🥧
JACKlyn🥧: gn
Trust Fund Teenager
Fanfiction(213)778-6655 : DiD u EaT mY PiE!?!? CaUse If U Did uR DeaD (656)990-4543: iM soRRy I ThinK yOu HaVe ThE WrOng NuMber BUt I H0Pe u CaTcH the PiE ThiEF (213)778-6655: thank you for the concern it's good to know some people have their priorities in pl...