Feel This.

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- Isadora's POV - 

"Mum, Dad, I'm pregnant." I said, rubbing my still flat stomach. 

"I still don't know what you need our help with." My mum replied, sounding confused. 

"The doctor thinks that this baby could bring out Izzy's water siren side." Damien explained. 

 "Oh, I see." Mum sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. 

"Can you help?" I asked, biting my lip nervously. 

"I don't know baby."

"How can you not know?" Damien asked, his grip on my waist tightening. 

"She's still half vampire, we can't help controlling that side of her." 

"Right." I mumbled, looking down. 

"I'm sorry, baby." Mum apologised, reaching over to take one of my hands in both of hers. 

"It's okay mum, thanks anyway." I shrugged. 

"Now, we can't stay, the longer we're here, the easier it is for them to find you." My dad rushed, pulling my mum towards the door. 

"Okay, bye. I love you guys." I smiled weakly. 

"We love you too, baby." My mum hugged me, kissed my cheek and disappeared out of the door with my dad. 

"So much for help." I sighed, shutting the door behind them. 

"We can do this, Izzy, I know we can." Damien wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder. 

"How can we?" 

"We just can, trust me." 

"Damien, we can't do this!" I shouted, frustrated. I struggled out of his grip and walked out of the front door, heading over the field, in the direction of the trees. The frozen grass beneath my feet didn't bother my already ice-cold skin. 

"Isadora!" Damien yelled after me, but I just ignored him and quickened my pace. 

Walking through the trees, I blocked the outside world out, not listening to anything, just concentrating on getting to where I needed to be. 

I walked for what felt like hours, before I finally came to a stop on the edge of a cliff, above a bustling city. I stood there, my toes hanging off the edge, not moving as I watched the people below me. 

Hundreds of feet below me. 

My eyes zoned in on one person. A small woman, with jet black hair, and from what I could tell, bright green eyes. I watched her, ducking and diving her way through the streets, never stopping, she just kept moving. I was intrigued by this woman, she couldn't be any older than about 23, and she looked so experienced. 

Without another thought, I jumped down from the cliff, my arms crossed over my chest as I fell. The wind rushed passed my ears, causing a faint whistling sound. 

I landed on my toes at the bottom, bending my knees slightly, so to not break anything. I straightened my legs, and walked in the direction of the city. 

A few drops of rain landed on my head, but I didn't acknowledge them. Soon, the rain had turned into a heavy downpour, and I noticed that the closer I got to the unknown city, the heavier it rained. My hair stuck to my face, clinging to the skin around my eyes and mouth. 

The inhabitants of the city watched me cautiously as I entered their territory. I ignored them, and zoned in on the woman, trying to find her in this big city. I located her, standing outside a small flower shop, about 4 blocks away from me. 

"Hey, are you alright?" A voice asked beside me, a hand landing on my shoulder. 

"Don't touch me." I growled, not turning to the person. The hand disappeared from my shoulder, and I continued walking. 

 "Is she okay?" 

"I don't know." 

"She looks like she just escaped from the asylum." 

"Shush, she might hear you." 

Comments from the humans around me drifted into my ears, not really shocking me, or interesting me at all. 

I continued on my way, my sights set on this girl. She was still outside the flower shop, browsing over the flowers on display outside. 

As I got closer, I could feel the energy emitting from her. This girl wasn't human, I could tell that much. Nevertheless, I still approached her, my cold hand resting on her shoulder. She jumped at my touch, not expecting the icy coldness. 

"Hello." I smiled, trying to appear normal. 

"Erm, hi?" She replied, looking uncertain. 

"I'm Isadora." I introduced myself. 


"Well, it's nice to meet you." 

"Yeah, you too." She smiled, ducking under my hand, walking away. 

"Don't move." I commanded, my eyes glowing red. She stopped dead in her tracks, turning back around to face me and returning to my side. 

"Yes, master." She mumbled, sounding distant and detached. I smirked to myself, proud of my new discovery. 

"This is what I need." I whispered, walking away from the flower shop with Alessia in tow. 



What did she do? 

Is the rain affecting her? Cus of her water siren side?! 

Dun dun duuunnn!!! 



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