Welcome Back Winter Once Again.

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- Damien's POV -

Blinking awake, I noticed that the room seemed slightly dimmer than it should be.

I looked at the time. 9am. It should be loads lighter than this.

Confused, I climbed out of the bed, and headed towards the window. Pulling the curtains back, I covered my eyes from the brightness, now engulfing our room.

Outside, the ground was covered in pure white snow, completely untouched.

 A small smile slipped onto my face as I turned to wake Izzy up.

"Iz?" I whispered, leaning across the bed to her.

"Hmm?" She mumbled sleepily.

"Wake up, Princess, there's something I want to show you."

"I don't want to wake up."

"Well you need to."

"I don't want to."

"Izzy." I warned.

"Don't you dare."

Instead of listening to her, I wrapped my arms around her waist and hauled her out of the bed, placing her over my shoulder.

Running outside, I let the cold breeze hit her before I threw her straight into the snow.

"DAMIEN!!" She screamed, snow covering her blonde hair, making it appear white.

"Yes, my darling wife?" I asked, laughing at her expression.

"WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT?" She screeched, shaking the snow from the hair and arms.

"I told you I had something to show you." I explained, reaching my hand out to help her out of the snow.

"You didn't have to throw me in it." She pouted, pressing her body close to mine.

"It's lucky you're part vampire then aye sweetheart?" I kissed her forehead, looking out across the field of snow.

"If I wasn't vampire, I'd kill you sweetie." She smiled sweetly up at me, batting her lashes for effect.

"You couldn't kill me, vampire or not." I stated, puffing my chest out slightly.

"Of course sweetie, I know many ways to kill you, slowly and painfully." She whispered in my ear, grazing her fangs along the skin on my neck. I shivered, loving the feel of it. "Told you." She mumbled, her breath tickling my neck.

"Whatever." I muttered. She giggled at me, the sound like music to my ears.

"I love you Damien."

"I love you too, Izzy." I leaned down to kiss her, capturing her sweet-tasting lips in mine.

Using the arm that wasn't wrapped around her waist, I knocked ehr legs from under her, carrying her bridal style back into the cottage.

A small squeak escaped her lips as I dropped ehr on the sofa, hovering over her.

Leaning down, I kept all my weight off of her as I kissed her, loving the feel of her lips on mine. The heat from her skin comapred to the coldness of my own.

"Dami-" She started, but I cut her off, kissing her again. Using all her might, she oushed hard on my chest. "I think I'm gonna be sick." She stated, slipping from my grasp and running as fast as she could to the bathroom.

"I'm not that repulsive am I?" I asked, confused.

I could hear her gagging from the other side of the door.

"Izzy?" I called, gently knocking on the door before opening it. She sat by the toilet, head leaning against the bath on the other side of her. Her face was paler than usual, and even a thin film of sweat covered her face.

"I don't feel all that great Damien." She mumbled, her head rolling from side to side.

"I know, Princess, I know." I cooed, kneeling down in front of her, wet cloth in hand. I started wiping her forehead, trying to cool her down slightly.

"Make it go away?" She pleaded.

"I can't Princess."

Walking out of the bathroom, I walked to the phone.

Picking it up, I dialled the number of the resident vampire doctor.


Been a while since I updated this xD

Anyway, what do you guys think is wrong?



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