The long Walk

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I looked around as we started the walk to my death there was only one other prisoner and two guards. The other prisoner was extremely weird so I tried to avoid her she always seemed to be inescapable though so I just sort of pushed her away. However weird she was, at least she would listen even if it was whilst she was purring. The guards, however, were disciplined to not listen to us and not feel guilt. In other words, they were products of the council like I was until he started playing his game. I shivered at the mere thought that he could still be alive. I looked at The mountain now on the horizon its shadow already loomed over us. The weird one just sat there watching the sunset all around us the smell of burning and decay flooded our nostrils causing me to feel nauseated, I reached for weird one's hand for reassurance. The mountain's beast was somewhat visible a skeletal-like shape with two heads a double breath by the looks of things a death bringer my hope vanishes. I begin to keel over, death bringers are known for their deadlines and  their playful nature. not a good combination, causing it to enjoy killing their victims slowly as it is more entertaining for them. We began to set up camp...

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