Chapter Two : Along Came Molly

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Lana assumed the handsome man was also waiting from someone, because he checked his watch every five minutes, growing more impatient each time. She wondered who he was waiting for, she also wondered if it left him feeling powerless, like waiting made her feel. Lana glanced down at her watch again, she had now been waiting for almost two hours, but refused to believe her sister wasn’t coming.

“Where is she?” Lana whispered to herself.

This earned her another look from the handsome man. This time it felt like he was agreeing with her not judging her. A smile danced across his pink lips. He muttered something under his breath, too quickly for Lana to make out.  Then he checked his watch again and the smile disappeared.

 Lana felt angry at whoever had made the handsome man wait. It felt unjust to make someone like him wait. As she internally cursed the imaginary person, she noticed someone walking towards her.

Finally, Lana watched her sister gracefully walk towards her. Molly reminded Lana of a model, walking the runway, not just because of her beauty but because of the confidence she radiated.

 Molly wore a deep wine dress, which clung to her body like cling film, under her long dark grey coat. Lana wondered how her sister could even stand in the matching wine heels, she wore. As Molly walked, her long blonde hair swayed side to side, like a beautiful golden veil.

Lana suddenly felt very self-conscious about her ripped jeans and blue checkered shirt. She tried to brush down her unruly long curls and straightened her scarf again. The only thing that she and Molly had in common physically were their piercing green eyes. Their mother had the same eye color.  Lana realized that Molly was beautiful, remarkable even, the kind of person she would have pictured the handsome man with. Lana wished she could be as remarkable as her older sister.

“Lana!” Molly called in her melodic voice. Lana stood and she noticed so did the handsome man.

“Molly.” She called back in greeting, waving a little awkwardly. Even though they had never hugged before, Molly pulled Lana into a warm embrace. Lana relaxed for a moment, taking in her sister’s rich aroma, Molly smelt like cookies and green apples. It made Lana feel better, she felt a little less lonely.

Too soon for Lana, Molly let her go. Molly instead laced their arms together and studied her newly found little sister. Lana shifted her weight from one leg to the other and fidgeted with her shirt to avoid her sister’s scrutinizing look.  

“How have you been Alana?” Molly questioned. Flinched a little, only her grandmother had called Alana, she decided to not point that out to Molly and smiled instead.

“Okay, I suppose” she replied, “I could be better though.”

“I know.” Molly said with a sad smile.

During their exchange, Lana had temporarily forgotten the handsome man, but now she noticed that he was still standing by his park bench, she wondered why he was still there. Molly followed her gaze.

“Ah” she said knowingly. “You’ve noticed Sherlock.” She smiled and beckoned him to join them.

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